Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 64 67.1

line true false branch
83 57 38 unless @_
93 38 0 if ('HASH' eq ref $opt) { }
0 0 elsif ('ARRAY' eq ref $opt) { }
96 0 38 if @notok
103 0 0 if @$opt % 2
111 0 0 unless @opts
115 0 0 unless exists $$self{'Attr'}{$opt}
133 0 20 if $self->Verbose
141 15 5 if (keys %$depends) { }
145 0 15 if $self->Verbose
146 15 0 unless $self->Pretend
147 2 13 if ($@) { }
149 1 1 unless defined wantarray
159 0 5 if $self->Verbose
169 0 4 if $self->Verbose
177 3 0 wantarray ? :
201 53 30 unless defined $attrs
202 53 30 unless defined $levels
211 154 149 if (not $ref || $spec =~ /$RE_Float/ and $spec =~ /^-(no_)?(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*))?/) { }
12 137 elsif ('ARRAY' eq $ref) { }
130 7 elsif ('SCALAR' eq $ref or 'REF' eq $ref or not $ref) { }
7 0 elsif ('HASH' eq $ref) { }
214 1 153 if (defined $1) { }
220 6 147 defined $3 ? :
241 11 119 if $ref
245 0 130 unless ($ref =~ /^(|ARRAY|HASH)$/)
274 0 7 unless defined $lattr
319 57 63 if (grep {exists $$spec{'attr'}{$_};} 'target', 'targets', 'sfile', 'slink' or not exists $$spec{'attr'}{'depend'} and 0 == $$spec{'id'}[0]) { }
329 0 63 if (@match > 1)
336 46 17 @match ? :
344 0 52 if $@
346 2 50 unless @targets