Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 56 80.3

line true false branch
135 1 37 unless (defined $str)
153 14 23 if ($str =~ /$rule_1/)
155 13 1 if ($2 or $3)
162 1 13 if ($5 or $6)
168 1 0 if ($month > 12)
175 23 14 unless ($year)
193 13 24 if (not $month and $str =~ /$rule_2/)
200 4 9 if ($1) { }
215 5 32 if (not $month and $str =~ /(.*)($MONTH_REGEXP)(.*)/)
223 2 3 if ($before eq '') { }
3 0 elsif ($before and $after) { }
237 1 2 if ($2 ne ":")
254 27 10 if ($str =~ /$rule_3/)
265 1 26 if ($ampm eq "pm")
270 2 0 if ($ampm and $hour == 24 || $hour == 12)
279 4 6 unless ($has_time or $has_date)
281 1 3 if ($str =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)Z/) { }
309 5 29 if ($year < 100)
315 0 34 unless eval { do { $ret = Time::Local::timegm_modern($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month - 1, $year); return 1 } }
321 0 34 if ($err and $err =~ /Undefined subroutine/)
344 15 19 if ($ret and $str =~ /$tz_rule/) { }
17 2 elsif ($ret) { }
348 10 5 if ($6 or $7) { }
364 4 1 if ($3 eq "-")
383 0 34 if ($debug)
409 17 0 if (defined $LOCAL_TZ_OFFSET)
416 0 0 if ($USE_TZ_CACHE and $x->{$cache_key})
426 0 0 if ($USE_TZ_CACHE)