Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 130 66.1

line true false branch
32 1 6 if (@args and "ARRAY" eq ref $args[-1])
41 4 3 if (ref $class) { }
0 3 elsif (&Scalar::Util::blessed($args[0])) { }
46 0 0 $from->isa('Date::ManipX::Almanac::Date') ? :
60 1 6 if @config
62 2 5 unless $self->get_config("sky")
64 3 4 unless defined $self->get_config("twilight")
69 0 7 if @args
87 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($obj) and $obj->isa("Date::ManipX::Almanac::Date")
95 0 0 if $date->isa("Date::ManipX::Almanac::Date")
121 43 2 if (my $code = $$config{lc $name}) { }
149 47 16 if ($mine->{$name}) { }
158 47 4 1 == @rslt ? :
168 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($args[0]) and $args[0]->isa("Date::ManipX::Almanac::Date")
190 0 2 unless (open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf-8)", $fn)
197 2 16 unless / \S /msx
199 0 16 if / \A \s* [#] /msx
204 0 16 if (/ \A [*] ( .* ) /msx) { }
208 0 0 unless ($$allow{lc $1})
214 0 16 if ($name =~ / \A ConfigFile \z /imsx) { }
0 16 elsif ($config_file_processed) { }
249 0 8 if $rslt = $self->dmd->config($name, $val)
266 0 9 if exists $self->{'lang'} and $lang eq $self->{'lang'}
268 0 9 unless my $mod = __load_language($lang)
285 9 0 if eval { do { &Module::Load::load($module); 1 } }
297 9 0 if (defined $val)
298 0 9 if (&Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::looks_like_number($val)) { }
301 0 9 unless defined($set_val = $self->_get_twilight_qual($val))
310 2 7 if $self->{'config'}{'location'}
317 0 23 unless ref $val and &Scalar::Util::blessed($val) and $val->isa("Astro::Coord::ECI")
335 11 12 if $rslt = $self->_config_var_is_eci($name, $val)
337 12 0 unless (ref $val)
354 12 0 if ($rslt = $self->_config_var_is_eci($name, $obj))
365 3 0 if (defined $val and &Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::looks_like_number($val)) { }
377 3 0 if (defined $val and &Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::looks_like_number($val) and $val >= -90 and $val <= 90) { }
392 4 2 if (not defined $val) { }
397 0 2 unless $loc = $self->_config_var_is_eci_class($name, $val)
408 2 4 if defined $self->{'config'}{'_twilight'} and defined $loc
409 2 4 unless $self->{'config'}{'sky'}
424 3 0 if (defined $val and &Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::looks_like_number($val) and $val >= -180 and $val <= 180) { }
438 3 0 if (defined $val) { }
451 7 8 unless (ref $values)
452 6 1 if (defined $values and $values ne '') { }
454 1 5 unless $self->{'config'}{'sky'}
462 0 21 unless my $body = $self->_config_var_is_eci_class($name, $val)
465 9 12 if (my $loc = $self->_get_config_location)
482 4 36 unless my $cfg = $self->{'config'}
484 21 15 if $cfg->{'location'}
487 12 3 unless defined $cfg->{'latitude'} and defined $cfg->{'longitude'}
490 3 0 if defined $cfg->{'name'}
492 2 1 if defined $cfg->{'_twilight'}
498 1 2 unless $self->{'config'}{'sky'}
512 0 12 unless defined $qual
524 4 3 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($from) and $from->isa('Date::ManipX::Almanac::Date')) { }
534 3 0 if (my $lang = $self->get_config("language"))
547 0 0 if not $force and exists $self->{'lang'}
563 0 14 unless wantarray
566 0 14 unless $self->{'config'}{'sky'}
0 14 unless @{[] unless $self->{'config'}{'sky'};}
577 0 11 unless defined $body and defined $event
581 0 11 unless $self->_get_config_location
584 0 11 unless my $code = $self->can("__parse_post__$event")
609 3 2 if $which == $detail
624 2 1 if $which == $detail
653 3 1 if $which == $detail