Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 95 128 74.2

line true false branch
136 0 557 if (ref $_[0]) { }
145 7 550 if (defined $args{'epoch'}) { }
548 2 elsif (defined $args{'ical'}) { }
1 1 elsif (defined $args{'day'}) { }
181 0 3 unless defined $args{$attrib}
184 3 0 unless defined $args{$attrib}
207 9 548 if (exists $args{'offset'}) { }
14 534 elsif (not $zflag) { }
210 1 8 if ($zflag and $args{'offset'} != 0) { }
212 0 1 unless $ENV{'HARNESS_ACTIVE'}
224 14 0 $tz eq $Date::ICal::localzone ? :
225 14 0 if defined $self
253 0 543 if (1 & @_)
260 1 542 if (exists $args{'localtime'})
262 0 1 if exists $args{'offset'}
268 1 542 if (exists $args{'offset'}) { }
286 23 519 if ($self->hour or $self->min or $self->sec) { }
325 1 6 if ($epoch = shift()) { }
361 20 7 if ($offset eq '0') { }
6 1 elsif ($offset =~ /^([+-])(\d\d)(\d\d)\z/) { }
370 3 3 if $sign eq "-"
395 13 12 if ($secoffset ne 0)
400 8 5 unless $sign
457 26 7 if (defined $offset) { }
460 1 25 unless (defined $newoffset)
466 2 23 if ($self->{'offset'}) { }
473 2 0 if ($offsetdiff) { }
486 5 2 if ($self->{'offset'}) { }
550 0 561 unless @_
584 8 565 if ($unit eq 'duration') { }
0 565 elsif ($unit eq 'eom_mode') { }
591 10 14 $dur{$_} ? :
595 0 0 if ($count eq 'wrap') { }
0 0 elsif ($count eq 'limit') { }
0 0 elsif ($count eq 'preserve') { }
600 0 565 unless ($add = $Date::ICal::add_units{$unit})
605 0 565 unless defined $count
608 21 544 if ($add->[0] == 0) { }
43 501 elsif ($add->[0] == 1) { }
616 0 501 if ($eom_mode == 2) { }
626 0 501 if ($eom_mode and $d > 28) { }
635 0 0 if $lastday > $d
670 0 0 if (ref $two) { }
695 3 1059 if ($_[1] < 0) { }
736 14 42 defined $_ ? :
738 0 8 unless (defined $magic)
742 1 7 defined $sign && $sign eq '-' ? :
786 0 7 if ($reversed)
790 5 2 if (ref $date1 and ref $date2) { }
2 0 elsif (ref $date1 and $dur = 'Date::ICal::Duration'->new('ical', $date2)) { }
793 2 3 if (ref $date2 eq 'Date::ICal::Duration') { }
861 0 13 unless (defined $otherdate)
865 3 10 if ($self->{'julian'} < $otherdate->{'julian'}) { }
3 7 elsif ($self->{'julian'} > $otherdate->{'julian'}) { }
3 4 elsif ($self->{'julsec'} < $otherdate->{'julsec'}) { }
3 1 elsif ($self->{'julsec'} > $otherdate->{'julsec'}) { }
913 0 0 Date::Leapyear::isleap(shift()) ? :
1015 1 232618 if ($d > 268435149) { }
115210 117408 elsif (($d += 306) <= 0) { }
1036 39305 193314 if $m > 12
1059 38722 192779 if ($m <= 2) { }
400 192379 elsif ($m > 14) { }
1069 115214 116287 if ($y < 0)
1224 0 0 if (my $jd = shift())