Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 50 56.0

line true false branch
27 257 0 if ($params{'countrycode'}) { }
28 250 7 if (code2country($params{'countrycode'})) { }
47 257 0 if ($self and $self->{'_inner_class'} and $self->{'_inner_class'}->can('new')) { }
0 0 elsif (not $self->{'_inner_class'}) { }
57 256 0 if ($adapter) { }
85 4 0 unless ($params{'countries'})
106 253 1 if (not $params{'countries'}) { }
107 252 1 if (&blessed($self)) { }
120 0 1 if (&blessed($self)) { }
165 0 250 if ($country =~ /\A[+](\w+)/imsx)
176 1 249 unless ($dh)
190 0 249 if ($params{'gov'})
194 0 249 if ($params{'lang'})
199 0 249 if ($params{'regions'})
204 0 249 if ($params{'state'})
210 0 8 if ($precedent_calendar eq $country)
215 0 8 if ($precedent_calendar and $precedent_calendar ne $country)
223 0 0 if (defined $holiday)
228 0 8 if (defined $r)
256 0 0 unless ($self->{'_countrycode'} or $params->{'countrycode'})
263 254 3 unless ($params->{'nocheck'})
266 0 250 unless ($countrycode =~ /\Alocal\Z/imsx or code2country($countrycode))
278 4 253 if ($countrycode =~ /\Alocal\Z/imsx) { }
250 3 elsif (code2country($countrycode)) { }
299 0 0 if ($module = $self->_load($module))