Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 33 63.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
82 0 2 0 defined $self->min_value and $v < $self->min_value
83 0 1 1 defined $self->max_value and $v > $self->max_value
90 1 0 2 $self->isValidNumber($v) and $self->isValidNumber($self->value)
107 2 0 1 defined $_[1] && length $_[1]
162 5 3 0 defined $self->min_length and length $v < $self->min_length
163 5 1 2 defined $self->max_length and length $v > $self->max_length
183 0 1 4 $hours >= 0 and $hours <= 23
184 0 1 3 $minutes >= 0 and $minutes <= 59
188 0 1 1 $seconds >= 0 && $seconds <= 59

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
113 24 12 0 $pat //= $self->pattern
121 0 5 0 $type_name //= $self->type