Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 223 418 53.3

line true false branch
112 0 9 if (my $tag = &first(sub {
114 0 0 $tag =~ /=(\d+)/u ? :
118 2 7 if (grep {/^:all$/iu;} @args)
122 2 0 unless $already{':DEFAULT'}
126 18 42 if $v3 and not $v1 =~ /^[ah]/u
131 0 336 if $already{$subname}++
141 7 2 $exporting_default ? :
142 3 549 unless $subname =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/a
145 58 491 if (defined *$subname{'CODE'}) { }
146 0 58 if ($Debug // 0) > 1
154 0 9 if @_ and not @args
156 0 9 if $Debug
167 0 31 if $Debug
188 0 0 if (Carp::longmess("") =~ /\beval\b/u)
194 0 0 $_[0] ? :
195 0 0 $_[0] ? :
208 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :
209 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :
213 0 0 &blessed($v) ? :
217 0 0 length $_[0] > $_dbmaxlen ? :
220 0 0 unless defined $_
339 39 170534 if ($refstr ne '') { }
170534 0 elsif (&looks_like_number($arg)) { }
346 2168 168405 unless (exists $Data::Dumper::Interp::addrvis_seen->{$addr})
362 1 1 $1 ? :
0 2 unless &addrvis =~ s/^([^\<]*)\<(.*)\>$/$1 ? "$1 $2" : $2;/eru
365 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
366 0 1 if ($_[0] <= $addrvis_ndigits)
387 0 29 if (defined(my $class = &blessed($_[0])))
388 0 0 if overload::Method($class, "\"\"")
393 0 9 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
398 1 11 unless defined $_
399 0 11 if ref $_
400 0 11 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
409 1 10 if (/["\$`!\\\x{00}-\x{1F}\x{7F}]/u) { }
420 8 12 defined $_ && !ref($_) && !($_ =~ m[[^-=\w_/:\.,]]u) && $_ ne '' && $_ ne 'undef' ? :
425 0 9 if not defined $_ or ref $_
426 0 9 unless my($tilde_prefix, $rest) = m(^( (?:\~[^/\\]*[/\\]?+)? )(.*))sux
427 1 8 $rest eq '' ? :
438 0 7297 if $@
439 6459 838 $blessed && $_[0]->isa('Data::Dumper::Interp') ? :
445 0 140 unless $#_ % 2 == 1
454 1201 0 if length($curr // "") <= 1 or $curr eq $Useqq
556 0 9 if (not "Data::Dumper"->can("Maxrecurse"))
563 0 0 if $@
568 2 8 if (&u($ENV{'COLUMNS'}) =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/u) { }
577 0 16 if open $fh, $_
0 8 -t STDIN ? :
0 8 -t STDOUT ? :
0 8 -t STDERR ? :
585 8 0 $fh ? :
614 0 6024 unless @_ == 1
624 0 6024 if ($maxstringwidth //= 0) >= 2147483647
626 5960 64 unless ref($objects //= []) eq "ARRAY"
629 0 6024 if @orig_values != 1
631 0 6024 if $debug
633 0 6024 unless defined wantarray
638 0 6024 if $listform and $my_maxdepth < 2147483647
640 0 6024 unless $my_visit_depth == 0
643 0 6024 if $debug
663 0 6024 if ($dd_warning or $@)
664 0 0 if $debug
690 319 160 if (my $class = &blessed($item))
694 46 316 if (ref $ospec eq 'Regexp') { }
698 30 48 if $c =~ /$ospec/u
699 0 48 if $seen{$c}++
704 269 47 if $ospec eq 1 or $item->isa($ospec)
708 20 299 unless $enabled
709 160 139 if (overload::Overloaded($item))
710 0 160 if $debug
713 0 160 if $overload_depth++ > 10
716 155 5 if (overload::Method($class, "\"\""))
717 155 0 &_show_as_number($item) ? :
718 0 155 if $debug
720 155 0 if (not $item =~ /^$class=REF/u) { }
725 0 155 if $debug
729 1 4 if (overload::Method($class, "\@{}"))
730 0 1 if $debug
734 1 3 if (overload::Method($class, "%{}"))
735 0 1 if $debug
739 1 2 if (overload::Method($class, "\${}"))
740 0 1 if $debug
744 1 1 if (overload::Method($class, "&{}"))
745 0 1 if $debug
749 1 0 if (overload::Method($class, "*{}"))
750 0 1 if $debug
755 138 1 if ($class eq 'Regexp') { }
762 0 1 if $debug
772 0 8195 if $debug
776 17 8178 unless defined $item
779 319 7859 if defined &blessed($item)
782 2 7857 if &reftype($item)
800 2998 4859 if (&looks_like_number($item) and not $item =~ /^0\d/u) { }
9 4850 elsif ($maxstringwidth and not &_show_as_number($item) and length $item > $maxstringwidth + length($truncsuffix)) { }
801 2997 1 &_show_as_number($item) ? :
804 0 2998 if $debug
810 0 9 if $debug
818 0 1518 if $debug
833 1961 37 unless $opt_refaddr and !$listform || $my_visit_depth > 0
837 0 37 if $debug
838 0 37 if $ix >= 0
840 0 37 if $debug
847 0 319 if $debug
859 0 319 if $debug
868 546 1133 if (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') { }
869 0 546 if $debug
871 0 1133 if $debug
878 0 1679 if ($my_visit_depth >= $my_maxdepth)
879 0 0 unless $my_visit_depth == $my_maxdepth
881 0 0 if $debug
888 0 1679 if $debug
900 553 8 ref $sortkeys ? :
905 0 3 if $debug
914 0 18 if $debug
924 7 11 if ($opt_refaddr)
926 2 5 if $t eq "ARRAY"
927 2 3 if $t eq "HASH"
928 2 1 if $t eq "SCALAR"
941 0 0 if $debug
942 0 0 if $debug
945 0 0 if ($$seenhash{&refaddr($cloned_itemref)}++)
946 0 0 if $debug
981 0 0 if (tied $$cloned_itemref)
982 0 0 if $debug
986 0 0 if tied $$cloned_itemref
990 0 0 if (&reftype($cloned_itemref) eq "SCALAR")
991 0 0 if $rt
992 0 0 if $debug
997 0 0 unless &reftype($cloned_itemref) eq "REF"
998 0 0 unless &reftype($orig_itemref) eq "REF"
1000 0 0 if ($rt eq 'SCALAR' or $rt eq 'LVALUE' or $rt eq 'REF') { }
0 0 elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($rt eq 'HASH') { }
1001 0 0 if $debug
1005 0 0 if $debug
1006 0 0 if (tied @$$cloned_itemref)
1007 0 0 if $debug
1017 0 0 if $debug
1018 0 0 if (tied %$$cloned_itemref)
1019 0 0 if $debug
1023 0 0 if tied %$$cloned_itemref
1026 0 0 if $debug
1032 0 0 if ($@)
1033 0 0 if $debug
1046 1 4008 unless defined $value
1049 15 3993 if ref $value eq "" and utf8::is_utf8($value)
1076 0 3993 if $Debug
1077 3019 974 if ($@) { }
140 1640 elsif (ref $uand_str_result ne '' and $uand_str_result =~ /NaN|Inf/u) { }
1078 3019 0 if ($@ =~ /".*" isn't numeric/u)
1081 0 0 if ($@ =~ /\& not supported/u)
1085 0 0 if defined &blessed($value)
1087 0 0 if ($@ =~ /no method found/u)
1090 0 0 if defined &blessed($value)
1092 0 0 if $Debug
1103 0 834 if $Debug
1109 28 806 if (&blessed($value)) { }
1111 28 0 if (&blessed(scalar eval {
1112 0 28 if $Debug
1116 0 0 if $Debug
1121 0 806 if $Debug
1135 290 3718 if $i > $#b
1136 0 3718 $a[$i] =~ /^\d+$/u && $b[$i] =~ /^\d+$/u ? :
1138 3718 0 if $r != 0
1140 502 0 if $#a < $#b
1185 3498 11526 if (/^"/u)
1195 1 311 length $+{'hex'} > 6 ? :
1196 2 310 $_ > 1114111 ? :
1199 3 309 /\P{XPosixGraph}|[\0-\177]/u || /\p{General_Category=Format}/u ? :
1206 1653 0 if (s/^"//u)
1207 0 1653 unless s/"$//u
1209 0 1653 unless $r
1235 0 551 unless /^"/u
1242 0 0 if (/^"/u)
1252 0 0 @_ ? :
1655 0 1273 unless defined wantarray
1658 3 1270 unless defined $input
1665 1214 56 $useqq ? :
1670 0 1270 if (/\b((?:ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR)\(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+\))/u)
1672 0 0 unless $warned++
1716 0 3104 unless length $_ > 0
1717 1207 1897 if (/^[\$\@\%]/u) { }
1719 1178 29 if ($i_or_d eq "d")
1722 52 1126 /^\$(?!_)($userident_re)\z/u ? :
1724 939 268 if ($sigl eq '$') { }
203 65 elsif ($sigl eq '@') { }
65 0 elsif ($sigl eq '%') { }
1736 0 1897 if (/^.+?(?<!\\)([\$\@\%])/u)
1743 107 1790 if (@pieces and $pieces[-1][0] eq 'p') { }
1750 0 1270 if (not defined pos $_ or pos $_ < length $_)
1754 0 0 if ($leftover =~ /^[\$\@\%][\s\%\@]/u) { }
1787 1790 2385 if ($meth eq 'p') { }
1178 1207 elsif ($meth eq 'P') { }
1788 463 1327 if ($str =~ /\\./u)
1805 0 0 $_[0] =~ /\W/u && !&looks_like_number($_[0]) ? :
0 0 $_[0] =~ /(?!.*')["\$\@]/u ? :
0 0 $_[0] =~ /\A$userident_re\z/su ? :
1820 2505 1670 if ($methname eq 'p') { }
463 1207 elsif ($methname eq 'e') { }
1830 1121 86 if ($foldwidth)
1832 1121 0 if $leftwid < $self->{'Foldwidth1'}
1847 0 1670 if $evalarg eq ""
1856 1670 1670 if $pkg ne "DB"
1862 45 3260 unless (defined $p)
1866 1625 1635 if ($hasargs)
1893 0 1670 if ($errmsg)
1896 0 0 defined $result[0] ? :
1899 0 463 if @result > 1
1207 463 wantarray ? :