Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 32 68.7

line true false branch
27 0 2 if defined setting("route_cache_size_limit")
29 0 2 if defined setting("route_cache_path_limit")
43 3 0 if ($limit)
52 3 0 if ($limit)
62 8 0 if ($size =~ /^(\d+)(K|M|G)?$/i)
64 7 1 if (my $ext = $2)
65 2 5 if $ext eq "K"
66 4 1 if $ext eq "M"
67 1 0 if $ext eq "G"
77 0 96 unless $method and $path
80 12 84 unless defined $app_name
88 0 548 unless $method and $path and $route
91 500 48 unless defined $app_name
97 548 0 if (my $limit = $self->size_limit)
104 48 500 if (my $limit = $self->path_limit)
140 65 0 $self->{'cache'} ? :