Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 86 0.0

line true false branch
69 0 0 if ($self->_discard_line($line))
75 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*class\s+(\w+)/)
85 0 0 if $self->skip($classname)
88 0 0 if $exists
91 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*class\s+\w+\s*\:\s*([^{]+)\s*/)
104 0 0 if (ref $exists_already)
117 0 0 if ($$self{'in_class'} and $line =~ /^\s*\}\;/)
126 0 0 if ($$self{'in_class'})
128 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*protected\s*\:/)
137 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*private\s*\w*\:/)
149 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*public\s*\w*\:/)
158 0 0 if ($line =~ /operator/)
161 0 0 if $line =~ /;/
172 0 0 unless $$self{'brace_depth'} == 0
179 0 0 if ($$self{'in_method'})
188 0 0 $$self{'brace_depth'} == 0 ? :
197 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*\w*?\s*((\w+\s*::\s*)*[\w<>]+\s*[\*&]?)\s*(\w+)\s*\;.*$/)
215 0 0 if ($line =~ /^ # start of line \s* # whitespace (\w*?\s*?(\w+\s*::\s*)*[\w<>]*?\s*[\*&]?) # type of the method: $1. Added support for namespaces \s* # whitespace (~?\w+) # name of the method: $3 \s* # whitespace \(\s* # start of parameter list ([:\w\,\s\*=&\"<>\\\d\-]*) # all parameters: $4 (\)?) # may be an ending bracket: $5 [\w\s=]*(;?) # possibly end of signature $6 .*$/x)
237 0 0 if ($name eq $$Class{'name'}) { }
244 0 0 if ($name eq '~' . $$Class{'name'}) { }
255 0 0 unless $end_bracket eq ')'
256 0 0 if $end_semicolon eq ';'
275 0 0 unless $line
278 0 0 if ($line =~ /^ # start of line \s* # whitespace ([:\w\,\|\s\*=&\"<>\\]*) # all parameters: $1 (\)?) # may be an ending bracket: $2 [\w\s=]*(;?) # possibly end of signature $3 .*$/x)
295 0 0 if $end_bracket eq ')'
296 0 0 if $end_semicolon eq ';'
330 0 0 if $have_end_semicolon
341 0 0 unless $$self{'brace_depth'} == 0
349 0 0 if ($line =~ /\s*[\w<>]+\s+(\w+\s*::\s*)*[\w<>]+/i)
367 0 0 if ($rest =~ /^\(([\w<>]+)\(.*(\;?)\s*$/)
374 0 0 if (defined $2) { }
415 0 0 if ($rest =~ /^\,.*\;/)
457 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/)
463 0 0 if ($line =~ m[^\s*//])
470 0 0 if ($line =~ m[^\s*/\*.*\*/])
477 0 0 if ($line =~ m[^\s*/\*])
484 0 0 if ($line =~ m[^.*\*/\s*$])
488 0 0 if ($$self{'comment'} == 1)
491 0 0 if ($line =~ m[^.*\*/\s*$])
512 0 0 unless $line =~ /^\s*private\s*\w*:\s*(\w.*)$/
524 0 0 if ($name =~ /\(/) { }
527 0 0 if ($private_thing =~ /^ # start of line \s* # whitespace (?:public|private)?:?\s* (\w*?\s*?(\w+\s*::\s*)*\w*?\*?) # type of the method: $1 \s* # whitespace (~?\w+) # name of the method: $2 \s* # whitespace \(\s* # start of parameter list ([:\w\,\s\*=&\"]*) # all parameters: $3 (\)?) # may be an ending bracket: $4 [\w\s=]*(;?) # possibly end of signature $5 .*$/x)
599 0 0 unless (ref $$package)