Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 54 48.1

line true false branch
35 5 20 if ($@)
36 0 5 if (substr($sub, -9) eq '::DESTROY') { }
4 1 elsif ($@ =~ /^Can't locate/) { }
46 1 3 if ($filename =~ s/(\w{12,})\.al$/substr($1, 0, 11) . '.al';/e)
50 4 1 if ($@)
82 1 24 if (defined($filename = $INC{"$"}))
83 0 1 if ($is_macos) { }
85 0 0 unless $filename =~ s/^(.*)$pkg\.pm\z/$1auto:${pkg}:$
88 1 0 unless $filename =~ s[^(.*)$pkg\.pm\z][$1auto/$pkg/$]s
98 0 1 if (defined $filename and -r $filename) { }
99 0 0 unless ($filename =~ m[^/]s)
100 0 0 if ($is_dosish) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_epoc) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_vms) { }
0 0 elsif (not $is_macos) { }
101 0 0 unless ($filename =~ m[^([a-z]:)?[\\/]]is)
102 0 0 if ($^O ne 'NetWare') { }
110 0 0 unless ($filename =~ m[^([a-z?]:)?[\\/]]is)
127 25 0 unless (defined $filename)
144 10 0 if ($pkg eq 'AutoLoader')
145 8 2 if (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^&?AUTOLOAD$/)
165 1 9 if (defined $path)
170 0 1 if ($is_macos) { }
177 0 1 if $replaced_okay
179 1 0 if (not $replaced_okay or $@)
183 0 1 if ($@)
198 1 1 if \&{$symname;} == \&{$exported;}