Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 36 66.6

line true false branch
17 0 1 unless $path
20 0 1 if ($path eq 'ausearch') { }
21 0 0 unless -f $fullpath
24 0 1 unless -f $path
39 0 1 if ($self->{'path'} eq 'ausearch') { }
44 0 0 unless open $fh, "|", "$self->{'fullpath'} @args"
48 0 1 unless open $fh, "<", $self->{'path'}
51 222 105 if index($_, "SYSCALL") < 0 and not $in_block
57 21 84 if $options{'older'} and $timestamp > $options{'older'}
58 41 43 if $options{'newer'} and $timestamp < $options{'newer'}
61 3 40 if (index($_, "type=CWD") == 0)
89 19 21 if (exists $options{'key'} and $parsed{'type'} eq "SYSCALL")
94 16 3 unless $in_block
99 9 31 unless exists $parsed{$constraint}
100 22 9 unless $parsed{$constraint} =~ /$options{$constraint}/u
104 2 0 if (@{$self->{'returning'};})
107 30 16 unless grep {$field eq $_;} @{$$self{"returning"};}
144 0 0 $_->{'name'} =~ m[^/]u ? :