Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 87 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
206 0 0 0 $track->version and grep {$track->version == $_;} @{$track->versions;}
212 0 0 0 $monitor_version and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle
253 0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->eager
0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->eager and $track->rw eq 'REC'
0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->eager and $track->rw eq 'REC' and $Audio::Nama::Track::setup->{'tracks_with_duplicate_inputs'}{$track->name}
393 0 0 0 $track->is_mix_track and $track->rec_status ne 'PLAY'
400 0 0 0 $track->rec_status eq 'PLAY' and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle
790 0 0 0 $frequency == $desired_frequency and $path =~ /.wav$/iu
1022 0 0 0 $1 and $1 > $i
1349 0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::mode->{'preview'} and $bus->rw eq 'MON'
1422 0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::tn{$track_name} and $Audio::Nama::tn{$track_name}->$type

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
440 0 0 $_[0] // 1
830 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::project->{'current_param'}{$_[0]->op} //= 1
833 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::project->{'current_stepsize'}{$_[0]->op}[$_[0]->param] //= 0.01
967 0 0 $_[0]{'current_edit'} //= {}
1330 0 0 $vals{'class'} // 'Audio::Nama::Track'
1357 0 0 $Audio::Nama::config->{'new_track_rw'} || 'MON'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 0 0 0 $vals{'n'} || idx()
133 0 0 0 $nopan or $restore
134 0 0 0 $novol or $restore
232 0 0 0 $bus->engine_group or $track->{'engine_group'}
253 0 0 0 $bus->rw eq 'OFF' or $track->rw eq 'OFF'
0 0 0 $bus->rw eq 'OFF' or $track->rw eq 'OFF' or $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->eager and $track->rw eq 'REC' and $Audio::Nama::Track::setup->{'tracks_with_duplicate_inputs'}{$track->name}
0 0 0 $bus->rw eq 'OFF' or $track->rw eq 'OFF' or $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->doodle and not $Audio::Nama::Track::mode->eager and $track->rw eq 'REC' and $Audio::Nama::Track::setup->{'tracks_with_duplicate_inputs'}{$track->name} or $track->engine_group ne $Audio::Nama::this_engine->name
268 0 0 0 $source_type eq 'track' or $source_type eq 'loop'
468 0 0 0 $type ||= dest_type($id)
505 0 0 0 $1 || $track->name
782 0 0 0 $frequency ||= $freq
828 0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::project->{'current_op'}{$_[0]->name} //= $_[0]{'ops'}[-1]
979 0 0 0 $Audio::Nama::Track::bn{$track->name} or $track->name eq 'Master'
1380 0 0 0 $project_name //= $Audio::Nama::project->{'name'}