Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 78 1.2

line true false branch
55 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
57 0 0 unless (ref $plugin)
78 0 0 unless $plugin->get_buffer($_)
87 1 0 unless ($$self{'run_order'})
88 0 0 $p ? :
101 0 0 unless (ref $buff)
112 0 0 $b ? :
122 0 0 if $plugin->get_buffer($port)
124 0 0 if ($plugin->is_control($port)) { }
131 0 0 if $plugin->monitor ne $self
156 0 0 if $samples > $$self{'buffer_size'}
157 0 0 if $samples < 1
165 0 0 if ($from_plug eq $to_plug)
169 0 0 unless ($from_plug->is_input($from_port) xor $to_plug->is_input($to_port))
173 0 0 if ($from_plug->is_input($from_port))
176 0 0 if ($from_plug->is_control($from_port) and not $to_plug->is_control($to_port))
181 0 0 unless $self->has_plugin($_)
187 0 0 if $ret
201 0 0 unless defined $_
203 0 0 unless ($self->has_buffer($buffer))
206 0 0 unless ($self->has_plugin($plug))
212 0 0 if ($plug->is_input($port)) { }
218 0 0 if ($H->has_a_cycle)
223 0 0 if ($plug->is_input($port)) { }
239 0 0 if ($buffer)
240 0 0 if ($plug->is_input($port)) { }
254 0 0 unless $self->graph->edges($_)
260 0 0 unless my $buffer = $plug->get_buffer($port)
262 0 0 if ($plug->is_input($port)) { }
311 0 0 if ($plug->is_control($_) and $plug->is_input($_))
314 0 0 unless ($plug->is_input($_))
330 0 0 unless exists $$dump{'Audio::LADSPA::Network'}
331 0 0 if $$dump{'DumpVersion'} >= 1
332 0 0 if (ref $self) { }
333 0 0 if ($self->sample_rate != $$dump{'SampleRate'})
336 0 0 if ($$self{'buffer_size'} != $$dump{'BufferSize'})
341 0 0 unless $self = $self->new('sample_rate', $$dump{'SampleRate'}, 'buffer_size', $$dump{'BufferSize'})
359 0 0 unless $self->connect($plugin, $$port_dump{'Name'}, $plug_by_id{$$remote{'Id'}}, $$remote{'Port'})
366 0 0 if exists $$port_dump{'Value'}