Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 50 88.0

line true false branch
126 0 428 if (&blessed($n) and $n->does("Attean::API::TriplePattern"))
138 86 342 if (&blessed($n) and $n->does("Attean::API::Variable"))
142 165 263 if (&blessed($n))
148 23 84 if ($bound == 0)
151 21 50 unless $i <= $#{$self->statements;}
164 32 52 if ($bound == 1) { }
170 1 31 unless (&blessed($match_set))
181 0 133 unless $node->can("as_string")
190 5 124 unless (&blessed($s))
204 70 129 unless scalar @e
275 16 1 if ($count > 0)
287 37 27 if ($set->size == 0)
288 8 29 if ($pos == 3)
306 1 3 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
355 0 4 unless &blessed($set)
373 27 769 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
387 779 101 if (ref $n)
388 0 779 unless ref($n) =~ /Attean/u
390 737 143 if (&blessed($n) and not $n->does("Attean::API::Variable"))
396 3 217 if ($bound == 0) { }
28 189 elsif ($bound == 1) { }
402 5 23 unless (&blessed($set))
421 166 160 unless (&blessed($s))
475 0 64 unless (&blessed($s))
484 16 0 if ($i->size == 1) { }