Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 118 37.2

line true false branch
108 39 54 if $term->does("Attean::API::Blank")
109 0 54 if ($term->does("Attean::API::Binding"))
110 0 0 if $term->has_blanks
123 0 0 unless $other->does("Attean::API::Binding")
126 0 0 unless scalar @variables == scalar @other_vars
128 0 0 unless $variables[$i] eq $other_vars[$i]
134 0 0 if ($value->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
135 0 0 unless $value->sameTerms($other_value)
137 0 0 unless $value->equals($other_value)
150 0 0 unless $other->does("Attean::API::Binding")
153 0 0 unless (scalar @variables == scalar @other_vars)
157 0 0 unless ($variables[$i] eq $other_vars[$i])
165 0 0 if ($value->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
166 0 0 unless ($value->equals($other_value))
170 0 0 unless (0 == $value->compare($other_value))
189 40 70 if ($term->does("Attean::API::Blank"))
192 0 110 if ($term->does("Attean::API::Binding"))
212 138 174 if ($v->does('Attean::API::Variable')) { }
13 161 elsif ($v->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
273 0 0 if ($v->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern')) { }
0 0 elsif ($v->does('Attean::API::Variable')) { }
279 0 0 if (defined $replace and &blessed($replace)) { }
345 0 127 if ($value->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
361 3 4 if ($v->does("Attean::API::Variable"))
364 3 0 if (defined $replace and &blessed($replace)) { }
377 6 8 $self->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern') ? :
392 200 140 if ($pp->does('Attean::API::Variable')) { }
0 140 elsif ($pp->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern')) { }
402 0 85 scalar @vars == 3 ? :
414 849 372 if ($pp->does('Attean::API::Variable')) { }
0 372 elsif ($pp->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern')) { }
415 0 849 if (my $already = $binding{$pp->value})
416 0 0 unless $already->equals($qp)
420 0 0 unless $qp->does("Attean::API::Triple")
422 0 0 unless $sub_binding
428 0 0 unless $binding{$key}->equals($sub_binding->value($key))
435 0 372 if ($pp->does("Attean::API::QuadPattern"))
439 15 357 unless $pp->equals($qp)
465 0 4 unless ($e == $f)
482 2 668 if (&any(sub {
499 4594 1 if $key =~ /^(subject|predicate|object)$/u
513 0 0 unless ($self->is_ground)
516 0 0 $_->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern') ? :
529 1 305 if ($t->does('Attean::API::TriplePattern')) { }
588 0 0 unless &blessed($b)
589 0 0 unless ($b->does("Attean::API::Triple"))
601 0 0 unless $c
603 0 0 unless ($Attean::API::Binding::ALLOW_IRI_COMPARISON)
605 0 0 if ($_->does("Attean::API::IRI"))
608 0 0 if $_->does("Attean::API::IRI")
613 0 0 if ($c)
637 5321 1 if $key =~ /^(subject|predicate|object|graph)$/u
643 0 0 unless ($self->is_ground)
721 587 0 if (not $self->eval_stash)
747 3 6 unless ($equal)
770 190 0 if $term
780 158 3 unless ($vars{$v})
795 0 20 if ($value->does('Attean::API::Binding')) { }
799 20 0 if ($term)