Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 96 138 69.5

line true false branch
318 27 85 if exists $args{$key}
321 2 26 if ($found == 0) { }
1 25 elsif ($found > 1) { }
322 0 2 if warnings::enabled()
326 0 1 if warnings::enabled()
336 18 7 if (exists $args{'Instrument'})
342 18 25 if $method eq "instrument"
343 25 0 if ($w->can($method))
376 8 46 if (@_) { }
396 3 5 if (@_) { }
422 1 10 if (@_) { }
449 13 42 if (@_) { }
479 18 63 if (@_)
495 0 26 if (@_)
520 0 19 unless defined $lambda
523 1 18 if ($lambda >= 10000) { }
0 18 elsif ($lambda < 10000 and $lambda >= 1000) { }
3 15 elsif ($lambda < 1000 and $lambda >= 100) { }
11 4 elsif ($lambda < 100 and $lambda >= 1) { }
4 0 elsif ($lambda < 1 and $lambda >= 0.3) { }
0 0 elsif ($lambda < 0.3 and $lambda >= 0.01) { }
0 0 elsif ($lambda < 0.01 and $lambda >= 1e-05) { }
0 0 elsif ($lambda < 1e-05) { }
568 26 0 unless (defined $unit)
571 18 0 if ($inst and exists $NATURAL{$inst})
577 8 18 unless defined $unit
581 26 0 if ($self->can($unit))
586 3 23 unless defined $value
617 0 2 if $was_reversed
645 1 2 if (defined $self->instrument and defined $comp->instrument) { }
676 0 1 if (not defined $self->instrument && defined $comp->instrument) { }
704 0 169 if (wantarray) { }
740 58 0 unless exists $cache->{$key}
744 0 0 if ($key eq 'filter') { }
745 0 0 if $cache->{$key} eq $entries{$key}
748 0 0 if $cache->{$key} == $entries{$key}
795 0 128 unless @_
798 0 128 unless $key
803 103 25 if exists $cache->{$key}
826 0 17 unless defined $value
834 17 0 if defined $internal
837 0 17 unless defined $internal
862 25 32 unless ($value)
868 16 9 if $value
893 0 25 unless defined $lambda
897 0 25 if ($category eq 'wavelength') { }
2 23 elsif ($category eq 'frequency') { }
9 14 elsif ($category eq 'wavenumber') { }
14 0 elsif ($category eq 'filter') { }
915 9 5 if defined $instrument
922 3 88 unless exists $FILTERS{$inst}
929 5 1499 if (sprintf("%8e", $hash->{$key}) eq $lambda)
956 0 17 unless defined $value
960 0 17 if ($category eq 'wavelength') { }
3 14 elsif ($category eq 'frequency') { }
1 13 elsif ($category eq 'wavenumber') { }
13 0 elsif ($category eq 'filter') { }
978 9 4 if defined $instrument
983 13 0 if (exists $FILTERS{$name})
985 13 0 if (exists $FILTERS{$name}{$value})
1022 0 4 unless @_
1031 4 2 if exists $FILTERS{$key}{$list{$key}}
1036 2 2 unless scalar keys %list == $counter
1055 0 2 unless @_
1065 1 9 if ($TELESCOPE{$key}[$i] eq $list{$key})
1074 1 1 unless scalar keys %list == $counter
1092 0 3 unless @_
1108 2 8 if (${$FILTERS{$instrument};}{$list{$key}})
1120 1 2 unless scalar keys %list == $counter