Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 66 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
403 0 0 0 $expno == 1 and $mode eq 'IMAGE' || $mode eq 'POLARIMETRY'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
86 0 0 0 exists $FITS_headers->{'HIERARCH.ESO.SEQ.CUMOFFSETX'} or exists $FITS_headers->{'HIERARCH.ESO.SEQ.CUMOFFSETY'}
134 0 0 0 $filter1 eq "blank" or $filter2 eq "blank"
164 0 0 0 lc $order eq "blue" or $self->to_FILTER($FITS_headers) eq "GBF"
239 0 0 0 uc $type eq "STD" or uc $cat eq "SCIENCE"
0 0 0 uc $type eq "SKY,FLAT" or uc $type eq "FLAT,SKY"
0 0 0 uc $type eq "SKY,FLAT" or uc $type eq "FLAT,SKY" or uc $cat eq "OTHER"
0 0 0 uc $type eq "LAMP,FLAT" or uc $type eq "FLAT,LAMP"
0 0 0 uc $type eq "LAMP,FLAT" or uc $type eq "FLAT,LAMP" or uc $type eq "FLAT"
263 0 0 0 exists $FITS_headers->{'HIERARCH.ESO.SEQ.CUMOFFSETX'} or exists $FITS_headers->{'HIERARCH.ESO.SEQ.CUMOFFSETY'}
301 0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_AutoJitter" or $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_Jitter"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_AutoJitter" or $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_Jitter" or $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_GenericOffset"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_cal_StandardStar" or $template eq "SOFI_img_tec_Zp"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_cal_StandardStar" or $template eq "SOFI_img_tec_Zp" or $seq eq "SOFI_img_cal_StandardStar"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_AutoJitterOffset" or $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_JitterOffset"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_cal_Darks" or $seq eq "SOFI_img_cal_Darks"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_img_obs_Polarimetry" or $template eq "SOFI_img_cal_Polarimetry"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_spec_obs_AutoNodOnSlit" or $template eq "SOFI_spec_obs_AutoNodNonDestr"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_spec_cal_StandardStar" or $template eq "SOFI_spec_cal_AutoNodOnSlit"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_spec_cal_Arcs" or $seq eq "SOFI_spec_cal_Arcs"
0 0 0 $template eq "SOFI_spec_cal_DomeFlats" or $template eq "SOFI_spec_cal_NonDestrDomeFlats"
403 0 0 0 $mode eq 'IMAGE' || $mode eq 'POLARIMETRY'