Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 76 39.4

line true false branch
116 0 21 if (exists $headers->{'BOLOMS'} and defined $headers->{'BOLOMS'} and exists $headers->{'SCU#'} and defined $headers->{'SCU#'}) { }
154 2 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CHOP_CRD'})
156 0 2 if ($fits_eq =~ /LO/i) { }
2 0 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /AZ/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /NA/i) { }
179 2 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CENT_CRD'})
181 0 2 if ($fits_eq =~ /RB/i) { }
0 2 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /RJ/i) { }
0 2 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /AZ/i) { }
2 0 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /planet/i) { }
217 2 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CENT_CRD'})
219 0 2 if ($fits_eq =~ /RB/i) { }
0 2 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /RJ/i) { }
0 2 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /RD/i) { }
2 0 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /PLANET/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($fits_eq =~ /AZ/i) { }
246 1 0 if (exists $generic_headers->{'EQUINOX'} and defined $generic_headers->{'EQUINOX'})
249 0 1 if ($equinox =~ /1950/) { }
0 1 elsif ($equinox =~ /2000/) { }
0 1 elsif ($equinox =~ /current/) { }
1 0 elsif ($equinox =~ /planet/) { }
0 0 elsif ($equinox =~ m[AZ/EL]) { }
278 0 2 if (defined $FITS_headers->{'MODE'} and $FITS_headers->{'MODE'} =~ /PHOTOM/i) { }
301 0 2 if (defined $mode and $mode =~ /PHOTOM|MAP|POLPHOT|POLMAP/i) { }
322 0 2 if (defined $mode and $mode =~ /POLMAP|POLPHOT/i) { }
340 2 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'DATE'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE-OBS'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'DATE-OBS'}) { }
353 2 0 if (defined $return)
371 1 0 if (exists $generic_headers->{'UTDATE'})
392 4 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'UTSTART'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'UTSTART'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE-OBS'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'DATE'} and $FITS_headers->{'DATE'} =~ /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/) { }
430 1 0 if (exists $generic_headers->{'UTSTART'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($generic_headers->{'UTSTART'}, "Time::Piece"))
452 2 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'UTDATE'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'UTEND'} and defined $FITS_headers->{'UTEND'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE-END'}) { }
483 1 0 if (exists $generic_headers->{'UTEND'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($generic_headers->{'UTEND'}, "Time::Piece"))
507 2 0 if defined $msbid