Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 62 66.1

line true false branch
137 0 4 unless defined $coords
157 0 4 unless defined $coords
181 4 2 if (defined $startval and defined $endval) { }
0 2 elsif (defined $startval) { }
0 2 elsif (defined $endval) { }
211 3 1 if (defined $startval and defined $endval) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $startval) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $endval) { }
240 3 2 if (@found)
246 3 1 if (@obsidss)
264 3 2 if @results
286 4 8 if ($value =~ /^open$/i) { }
8 0 elsif ($value =~ /^closed$/i) { }
298 1 3 if ($n_open and not $n_closed || $n_other)
302 2 1 if ($n_closed and not $n_open || $n_other)
322 1 1 if (exists $generic_headers->{'DOME_OPEN'})
324 1 0 if (defined $dome)
325 0 1 $dome ? :
346 0 4 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'REMOTE'}) { }
351 0 4 if (uc($remote) =~ /REMOTE/) { }
0 4 elsif (uc($remote) =~ /LOCAL/) { }
378 0 2 if (exists $generic_headers->{'REMOTE'})
380 0 0 if (defined $remote)
381 0 0 $remote ? :
415 4 4 if (defined $COORDS and UNIVERSAL::isa($COORDS, "Astro::Coords"))
444 4 1 if defined $dateobs and defined $az and defined $el
448 4 0 if (defined $dateobs and defined $telescope and defined $az and defined $el)
458 0 4 unless defined $dt
481 6 9 unless defined $idx
483 13 2 if defined $arr->[$idx]
488 0 0 if defined $val