Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 32 46.8

line true false branch
115 0 4 if (defined $cdelt2 and defined $ctype2 and $ctype2 eq 'DEC--TAN') { }
117 0 0 if (abs $scale < "0.001")
126 0 4 unless (defined $scale)
127 0 0 if ($utdate > 19990901) { }
167 0 4 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'FILTER'} and $FITS_headers->{'FILTER'} =~ /pol/i) { }
196 0 4 if (defined $cdelt1 and defined $ctype1 and $ctype1 eq 'RA---TAN') { }
198 0 0 if (abs $scale < "0.001")
207 0 4 unless (defined $scale)
208 0 0 if ($utdate > 19990901) { }
220 4 0 if ($scale > 0)
259 2 2 if (defined $FITS_headers->{'SPD_GAIN'}) { }
263 0 2 if ($detector_bias > 0.61 and $detector_bias < 0.63) { }
299 0 4 if ($utdate < 20000607) { }
319 2 2 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'RDOUT_X1'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'RDOUT_X2'}) { }
356 2 2 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'RDOUT_Y1'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'RDOUT_Y2'}) { }
391 0 4 if ($utdate < 19990901)