Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
100 0 0 if (defined $sexa)
123 0 0 if (defined $ccdypixe and defined $ingpscal)
141 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CAT-DEC'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'DEC'})
171 0 0 if ($readout_mode =~ /^mndr/i or $readout_mode =~ /^cds/i and $nreads == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($readout_mode =~ /^cds/i) { }
200 0 0 if ($object =~ m[D-\d+/\d+]) { }
0 0 elsif ($FITS_headers->{'OBSTYPE'} =~ /DARK/i) { }
220 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CAT-EQUI'})
239 0 0 if defined $subval
260 0 0 if ($object =~ m[D-\d+/\d+])
285 0 0 if ($object =~ m[D-\d+/\d+])
302 0 0 if ($obstype eq "TARGET")
320 0 0 if (defined $sexa)
344 0 0 if (defined $ccdxpixe and defined $ingpscal)
363 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'CAT-DEC'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'CAT-RA'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'RA'})
407 0 0 if ($speed =~ /SLOW/) { }
427 0 0 if (uc $type eq "STANDARD")
475 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'DATE-OBS'})
477 0 0 if ($FITS_headers->{'DATE-OBS'} =~ /T/) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'UTSTART'}) { }
483 0 0 if $iso
516 0 0 if ($bounds[0] > 1 or $bounds[1] < 1024) { }
566 0 0 if ($bounds[2] > 1 or $bounds[3] < 1024) { }
610 0 0 if (defined $sexa)
624 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'RTDATSEC'})
664 0 0 if (defined $sexa)
683 0 0 if (exists $FITS_headers->{'ROTSKYPA'})