Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 27 25.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 0 18 2 exists $headers->{'INSTRUME'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUME'} eq "CGS4"
18 2 0 exists $headers->{'INSTRUME'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUME'} eq "CGS4" and exists $headers->{'DHSVER'}
2 0 0 exists $headers->{'INSTRUME'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUME'} eq "CGS4" and exists $headers->{'DHSVER'} and uc $headers->{'DHSVER'} eq "UKDHS 2008 DEC. 1"
88 20 0 0 exists $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} eq "CGS4"
20 0 0 exists $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} eq "CGS4" and exists $headers->{'UTDATE'}
0 0 0 exists $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} and uc $headers->{'INSTRUMENT'} eq "CGS4" and exists $headers->{'UTDATE'} and $headers->{'UTDATE'} >= 20081115

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
122 0 0 0 defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_2'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_3'}
0 0 0 defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_2'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_3'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC3_2'}
0 0 0 defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_2'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC2_3'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC3_2'} or defined $FITS_headers->{'PC3_3'}