Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 54 68.5

line true false branch
76 1 19 if (exists $opts{'prefix'} and defined $opts{'prefix'})
82 0 20 if (exists $opts{'frameset'} and defined $opts{'frameset'})
87 0 20 unless ref $FITS and ref $FITS eq "HASH"
98 1162 1718 if ($class->can($method))
100 900 262 if (defined $result) { }
109 20 0 if @failed
130 0 15 unless ref $generic and ref $generic eq "HASH"
140 780 1380 if ($class->can($method))
178 0 527 unless defined $ref
182 243 284 unless (ref $ref)
190 527 13 if (exists $headers->{$k} and defined $headers->{$k})
197 0 527 unless defined $inst
321 272 240 if (defined $null)
337 30 482 if (defined $endobs)
378 8 0 if ($value >= 0) { }
398 65 0 if (defined $datestr)
425 0 8 unless defined $sep
430 1 7 unless ($sep)
520 715 258 if (exists $FITS_headers->{$keyword} and defined $FITS_headers->{$keyword}) { }
0 258 elsif ($FITS_headers->{'SUBHEADERS'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'SUBHEADERS'}[0]{$keyword}) { }
0 258 elsif (exists $FITS_headers->{'I1'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'I1'}{$keyword}) { }
523 0 715 if (ref $FITS_headers->{$keyword} eq 'ARRAY') { }
532 0 0 if (exists $s->{$keyword} and defined $s->{$keyword})
546 973 0 wantarray ? :
565 38 861 wantarray ? :
596 0 20 if ($key =~ /^from_/ or $key =~ /^to_/)
605 0 40 unless (defined *{"${class}::$method";})