Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 30 46.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
76 0 19 1 exists $opts{'prefix'} and defined $opts{'prefix'}
82 0 20 0 exists $opts{'frameset'} and defined $opts{'frameset'}
87 0 0 20 ref $FITS and ref $FITS eq 'HASH'
130 0 0 15 ref $generic and ref $generic eq 'HASH'
190 13 0 527 exists $headers->{$k} and defined $headers->{$k}
520 247 10 713 exists $FITS_headers->{$keyword} and defined $FITS_headers->{$keyword}
103 154 0 $FITS_headers->{'SUBHEADERS'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'SUBHEADERS'}[0]{$keyword}
257 0 0 exists $FITS_headers->{'I1'} and exists $FITS_headers->{'I1'}{$keyword}
532 0 0 0 exists $s->{$keyword} and defined $s->{$keyword}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
596 0 0 20 $key =~ /^from_/ or $key =~ /^to_/