Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 70 80.0

line true false branch
31 22 22 if ($keyw =~ /^(?:hdu_num|)$/i) { }
49 22 5 if (@_)
87 0 0 @_ && 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1] ? :
89 0 0 defined $opts ? :
114 3 12 @_ && 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1] ? :
116 0 15 unless @_ == 1
120 12 3 ref $_[0] || !wantarray ? :
12 3 ref $_[0] || !wantarray ? :
3 12 $opts ? :
127 14 1 unless defined $opt{'CurrentHDU'} or $file =~ /\[/
131 3 12 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $_[0]) { }
12 0 elsif (not ref $keyword) { }
137 9 3 unless (wantarray)
156 2 13 if ($file_is_open) { }
183 0 26 if @$found and not $opt{'Accumulate'}
186 19 7 if (@newfound)
187 9 10 if $opt{'OnePerHDU'}
190 1 21 $opt{'Value'} && defined $item ? :
198 9 13 if $opt{'CurrentHDU'} or not $opt{'Accumulate'} and $nfound == @$keyword
202 5 8 if $lstatus == BAD_HDU_NUM() or $lstatus == END_OF_FILE()
208 2 12 if $file_is_open
213 3 11 if (ref $_[0]) { }
217 1 2 if ($opt{'OnePerHDU'} and not $opt{'Accumulate'}) { }
225 3 0 wantarray ? :
231 7 1 @$found ? :
3 8 wantarray ? :
265 1 3 if ($file_is_open) { }
275 3 1 if ($opt{'extname'}) { }
277 0 3 $opt{'extver'} ? :
284 0 2 if $hdutype != ASCII_TBL() and $hdutype != BINARY_TBL()
293 1 0 if $hdutype == ASCII_TBL() or $hdutype == BINARY_TBL()
311 0 27 if "" eq $name
313 0 27 if (exists $colkeys{$name})
333 1 2 if $file_is_open
342 0 8 if ($s)