Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 39 69 56.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
98 26 1 0 @del_cols and @del_cols != @req_cols
172 89 27 30 @req_cols and not exists $req_cols{$name}
202 0 0 0 $type != byte() and $type != ushort()
0 0 0 $type != byte() and $type != ushort() and $type != long()
238 6 6 102 TBIT() != $col->{'btype'} and not defined $col->{'ptype'}
264 4 0 2 defined $col->{'ctype'} && TBIT() == $col->{'ctype'}
107 2 4 TBIT() == $col->{'btype'} and not defined $col->{'ctype'} && TBIT() == $col->{'ctype'}
276 2 4 103 @{$col->{'naxes'};} == 1 and 1 == $col->{'naxes'}[0]
380 17 5 2 not wantarray and @cols > 1
387 1 17 4 $nrows and $opt{'rfilter'}
413 258 0 0 $progress and $rows_done >= $next_update
480 1 17 4 $nrows and $opt{'rfilter'}
501 22 0 0 $progress and $nrows >= $next_update
601 2 2 0 @{$col->{'naxes'};} == 1 and 1 == $col->{'naxes'}[0]
667 0 0 0 &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->can("print")
0 0 0 &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->can("print") and $_[0]->can("flush")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
113 12 2 13 @req_cols or $opt{'retinfo'}
172 1 30 116 exists $del_cols{$name} or @req_cols and not exists $req_cols{$name}
196 10 0 106 exists $user_types{$name} or exists $opt{'defdtype'}
197 10 0 0 delete $user_types{$name} || $opt{'defdtype'}
200 0 0 6 $col->{'btype'} == TLOGICAL() or $col->{'btype'} == TSTRING()
667 0 0 0 not ref $_[0] or &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->can("print") and $_[0]->can("flush")
0 0 0 not ref $_[0] or &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->can("print") and $_[0]->can("flush") or "GLOB" eq ref $_[0]