Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 50 92.0

line true false branch
157 1 1037 if ($name =~ /^(get_|set_|do_)/)
160 2 1035 if (my $backend = $class->can($name) && ($Backend{$name} || $class))
164 0 1035 if @extra
167 0 1035 if $opt{'list'} and defined $opt{'args'}
172 0 1035 if not $target or $target eq 'Assert::Refute::Build'
175 189 846 if $opt{'list'}
177 22 1013 if $opt{'block'}
182 33 29 unless @_ <= $nargs
185 2 1033 $opt{'manual'} ? :
189 60 57 unless @_ <= $nargs
194 2 1033 $opt{'manual'} ? :
195 1012 1 if (not $opt{'no_proto'} and $opt{'block'} || $opt{'list'} || defined $opt{'args'})
196 189 845 $opt{'list'} ? :
197 22 1012 if $opt{'block'}
198 845 189 unless $opt{'list'}
207 63 1 $opt{'export_ok'} ? :
971 64 $opt{'export'} ? :
218 1035 0 if ($todo_create)
220 1034 1 if $export
223 78 957 if ($todo_carp_not)
241 63 17 if $Assert::Refute::DRIVER
244 16 1 if ($MORE_DETECTED)
274 195 63 unless (ref $data or defined $depth)
276 188 7 defined $data ? :
279 25 78 unless defined $depth