Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 44 79.5

line true false branch
185 8 27 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { }
0 27 elsif (not ref $_ and $_ eq '{}') { }
27 0 elsif (not ref $_) { }
198 8 33 if $need_conf
253 0 18 unless ($conf)
256 1 17 if exists $conf->{'skip_all'}
262 1 16 unless (eval { do { $report->do_run($block); 1 } })
268 8 9 $report->is_passing ? :
269 4 13 if $callback
312 0 2 unless ($conf)
316 0 2 if exists $conf->{'skip_all'}
321 1 1 $report->is_passing ? :
322 2 0 if $callback
597 1 10 unless ref $given_conf eq 'HASH'
601 0 10 if @extra
612 1 9 if ($conf->{'driver'}) { }
617 1 0 unless $conf->{'driver'}->isa('Assert::Refute::Report')
622 1 8 if ($NDEBUG and not $conf->{'skip_all'})
626 1 8 if ($conf->{'skip_all'}) { }
654 15 5 defined $known_callback{$sub} ? :
655 12 8 unless $sub
656 0 8 unless ref $sub and UNIVERSAL::isa($sub, 'CODE')