Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 36 83.3

line true false branch
82 210 140 if (blessed $original) { }
86 54 elsif (not ref $original) { }
54 0 elsif (ref $original eq ref {}) { }
87 1 85 if ($original->can('instance')) { }
97 41 13 if (1 == keys %$original and not join('', keys %$original) =~ /^[a-z_]/)
102 0 54 unless defined $class
106 5 47 $class->can('instance') ? :
108 6 47 ref $args eq ref [] ? :
53 1 defined $args ? :
121 0 73 unless defined $arrayref
124 19 54 unless ref $arrayref and ref $arrayref eq ref []
168 1 0 if @results
226 6 2 if (ref $orig eq ref {}) { }
230 10 240 if (is_single_key_hash($got, 'alias')) { }
231 6 4 if $i > 1
275 0 0 if (is_single_key_hash($got, 'alias'))
296 11 42 if defined $key and ref $got eq ref {} and 1 == scalar keys %$got and $key eq [keys %$got]->[0]
301 1 3 if not defined $key and ref $got eq ref {} and 1 == scalar keys %$got