Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 157 31.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
109 125 1 4 ref $ret eq 'ARRAY' and ref $$ret[0] ne 'CODE'
487 0 0 5 $r_desc and @$r_desc
491 5 0 0 $r_cfg and @$r_cfg
506 7 3 11 @vgra and $vgra[$#vgra] eq $_
532 10 0 0 $norm and not ref $norm
647 1 6 2 $$self{'AV_OPTS'}{$set} and @{$$self{'AV_OPTS'}{$set};}
718 0 2 0 $class and exists $$class{'AV_READONLY'}
737 8 0 0 /\s/ and not /^"/
743 0 0 0 $ENV{$_} and $ENV{$_} eq $$envp{$_}
854 1 0 0 ref $self ne $class and $self->ipc_childsafe
863 0 0 1 $self->noexec and not $self->_read_only
945 0 0 0 $self->noexec and not $self->_read_only
961 9 0 0 ref $self ne $class && $self->ipc_childsafe && !$self->mustexec
966 9 0 0 $childsafe and $self->autoquote
1007 0 9 0 defined $dbg and $dbg > 2
1008 8 0 1 $self->noexec and not $self->_read_only
1045 8 0 0 $limit and @args
1096 1 0 0 ref $self ne $class && $self->ipc_childsafe && !$self->mustexec
1103 0 0 1 @prog + @opts + @args > 1 || $childsafe and $self->autoquote
1111 1 0 0 $self->noexec && !$self->_read_only
1140 0 1 0 defined $dbg and $dbg > 2
1142 0 0 1 $limit and @args
1188 1 0 0 $rc and not $?
1197 0 1 0 @data and $dbg >= 2
1202 0 0 0 @data and $dbg >= 2
1255 0 0 0 @prog + @opts + @args > 1 and $self->autoquote
1261 0 0 0 $self->noexec && !$self->_read_only
1278 0 0 0 $rc and defined $handle

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
63 6 15 $$meta{$attr} ||= 0
434 5 0 $$self{'AV_DESC'}{$set} ||= []
454 6 0 $$self{'AV_OPTS'}{$set} ||= []
657 0 0 $$Argv::Summary{$prg} || [0, 0]
701 0 0 shift() || 'argv'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
68 11 0 130 @_ or defined wantarray
299 0 0 1 $@ or not $self
455 2 0 4 @_ or not defined wantarray
589 0 0 2 m[[^-=:_."\w\\/]] or /\\n/
0 0 2 m[[^-=:_."\w\\/]] or /\\n/ or tr/\n//
671 0 1 1 $specific || $general
852 0 0 1 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
855 0 0 0 $self->system(@_) || $self->ipc_childsafe->finish
878 0 0 0 $ofd =~ /^[\d-]*$/ || $self->quiet
0 0 0 $ofd <= 0 or $self->quiet
952 0 0 9 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
1024 8 0 0 $ofd =~ /^[\d-]*$/ || $self->quiet
4 0 4 $ofd <= 0 or $self->quiet
1090 0 0 1 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
1103 1 0 0 @prog + @opts + @args > 1 || $childsafe
1168 0 0 1 $rc ||= $?
1185 0 0 0 $rc ||= $?
1211 0 0 0 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
1246 0 0 0 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
1289 0 0 0 ${$$self{'AV_PROG'};}[-1] || $prog
1297 0 0 0 ${$$self{'AV_PROG'};}[-1] || $prog