Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 33 48.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 194 0 12 substr($self->fileName, -1, 1) eq '/' && $self->uncompressedSize == 0
61 128 0 0 defined $previousWhere and $where == $previousWhere
76 128 0 0 $status == 3 and $self->{'possibleEocdOffset'}
201 13 1 2 $self->isEncrypted and $oldUncompressedSize > $self->{'uncompressedSize'}
337 0 0 18 $signature == 134695760 and $signature != $self->{'crc32'}
427 40 30 2 $self->{'uncompressedSize'} != $self->{'compressedSize'} and $self->{'compressionMethod'} == 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
174 23 0 0 $self->{'zip64'} ||= $zip64
207 0 0 16 $oldCrc32 != $self->{'crc32'} or $oldUncompressedSize != $self->{'uncompressedSize'}
266 2 0 0 $self->{'zip64'} ||= $zip64
287 0 0 13 $self->{'crc32'} != $crc32 or $self->{'uncompressedSize'} != $uncompressedSize
416 0 8 0 $self->{'zip64'} ||= $zip64