Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 166 50.6

line true false branch
110 0 0 unless valid_name($name)
160 1 0 unless ref $disk
167 0 1 unless $storageType == 15
206 3 0 if ($newpath)
209 1 2 if $newpath =~ s[^/\Q$self->{'name'}\E/?][]i
215 0 2 if $@ =~ /^LibA2: No such directory/
217 0 2 if $@
233 3 16 unless (ref $self and exists $self->{'_dir_methods'}{$name})
268 0 4 if (@_ == 1) { }
1 3 elsif (@_ == 3) { }
0 3 elsif (@_ < 5) { }
312 0 0 unless $date
365 0 0 if (/\?/) { }
0 0 elsif (/\*/) { }
385 2 22 unless $date
405 0 2 unless $date
409 2 0 $year < 77 ? :
431 0 2 if $_[-1] eq "\000\000\000\000"
434 0 2 if $minute > 59 or $hour > 23 or $year > 99 or $month > 12 or $month < 1 or $day > 31 or $day < 1
536 0 1 unless ($startBlock and $diskSize)
563 0 2 if $count > $self->{'free'}
571 2 11 unless --$count
574 0 2 if $count
593 0 0 if $block < 0 or $block >= $self->{'diskSize'}
608 0 2 unless ref $blocks
612 0 13 if $block < 0 or $block >= $diskSize
615 0 2 $mark ? :
715 0 0 unless valid_name($name)
729 0 0 if ($parent) { }
790 0 2 if $self->find_entry($entry->name)
797 0 5 if $entries->[$i]{'num'} > $i + 1
800 0 2 if ($i + 1 >= 13 * scalar(@{$self->{'blocks'};}))
801 0 0 unless $self->{'type'} == 14
803 0 0 unless @blocks
883 0 10 ref $filename ? :
912 0 0 if $filter eq 'DIR'
913 0 0 if $filter eq '!DIR'
914 0 0 unless $filter
915 0 0 $_->name =~ /$pattern/i && &$filter($_) ? :
940 0 0 unless valid_name($dir)
943 0 0 unless $size
946 0 0 unless my(@blocks) = $self->{'bitmap'}->get_blocks($size)
969 0 0 if ($@)
993 0 2 ref $dir ? :
998 0 2 unless $entry->type == 15
1022 0 2 if ($@)
1037 0 3 unless $block
1049 3 81 if (($type & 14) == 14) { }
9 72 elsif ($type) { }
1057 2 1 if ($type == 14)
1086 0 2 if ($self->{'fixParent'})
1096 0 0 if $disk->{'os_openDirs'}{$parentBlock}
1105 24 2 if ($entry) { }
1107 7 17 if (@entries and $entries[0]{'num'} == $entry) { }
1121 0 2 if ($self->{'type'} == 15) { }
1188 9 0 if ($entry) { }
1277 0 2 unless valid_name($name)
1314 2 8 if ($storage == 1) { }
1322 5 3 if ($storage == 2) { }
3 0 elsif ($storage == 3) { }
1330 6 0 if ($block) { }
1345 9 1 if length $data > $size
1377 1 1 if (@dataBlks > 256) { }
1 0 elsif (@dataBlks > 1) { }
1390 2 0 if ($storage > 1)
1396 257 9 unless (substr($$dataRef, $index, 512) =~ /[^\0]/)
1404 1 1 if (@subindexBlks)
1407 0 2 unless (grep {$_;} splice(@blocks, 0, 256))
1419 0 2 unless my(@blocks) = $bitmap->get_blocks($blksUsed)
1424 2 0 if $storage > 1
1428 11 257 if $_
1431 1 1 if ($storage == 3) { }
1476 1 1 if ($storage == 2) { }
1 0 elsif ($storage == 3) { }
1487 2 0 if ($block) { }
1575 6 8 unless $count
1626 0 150 unless my $type = ref $self
1631 0 150 unless (exists $self->{'_permitted'}{$field})
1633 0 0 if $name =~ /^[A-Z]+$/
1636 2 148 if ($#_)
1639 2 0 if (ref $check eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif ($check) { }
1646 2 0 if $ok