Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 210 11.4

line true false branch
3 0 1 if (@ARGV and @ARGV[0] =~ /^\w/)
4 0 0 /^-{1,2}h\w{0,3}$/ ? :
42 0 0 if @_ and -f $_[0]
43 0 0 if $self->year or $self->month or not -t STDIN
63 0 0 $event->{'minutes'} >= $self->config('round_up_at') ? :
71 0 0 if &blessed($val) and $val->can('ymd')
72 0 0 if ref $val eq 'ARRAY'
94 0 0 if ($for eq 'app')
100 0 0 unless open my $POD, '<', $INC{'App/'}
103 0 0 if /^=head2 $for/ ... /^=(head|cut)/
110 0 0 unless @help
147 0 0 unless $start and $stop and $self->project
163 0 0 if (-e $trc_file)
168 0 0 if $self->_save(\%event)
181 0 0 if -d '.git'
183 0 0 unless $event->{'project'}
186 0 0 unless $self->_save($event)
196 0 0 if $exit_code == 3
205 0 0 if (not $event->{'start'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($event->{'stop'}) { }
225 0 0 unless ($self->{'config'})
228 0 0 unless -r $path
229 0 0 unless open my $CONFIG, '<', $path
231 0 0 unless $line =~ /^(?:TT_)?(\w+)=(\S+)/
252 0 0 $trc_file ? :
255 0 0 unless $event->{'start'}
260 0 0 unless $event->{$k}
0 0 if $k eq 'tags'
261 0 0 if $k eq 'start' or $k eq 'stop' and $event->{$k}
270 0 0 unless my($k, $v) = /^(\w+)\s*:\s*(.+)/
271 0 0 if $k eq 'tags'
272 0 0 if $k eq 'start'
273 0 0 if $k eq 'stop'
277 0 0 unless $self->_save($event)
278 0 0 if $prev
279 0 0 unless $trc_file eq $event->{'path'}
308 0 0 unless -r $previous
310 0 0 -r $trc_file ? :
329 0 0 if $pl < length $p
339 0 0 ref $duration ? :
347 0 0 unless $sep
348 0 0 if $sep eq 'hm'
356 0 0 unless $trc->{'tags'}
369 0 0 if /^(-\d+)(m|y|month|year)$/
370 0 0 if /^(-\d+)$/
371 0 0 if /^(month|year)/
372 0 0 if /^--fill/
379 0 0 if ($res->{'interval'} =~ /^y/) { }
391 0 0 unless my($date, $hms, $project) = /^(\d+)-(\d+)_(.*)\.trc$/
393 0 0 if @project_re and not grep({$event->{'project'} =~ /$_/;} @project_re)
394 0 0 if $tags and not grep({$tags =~ /\b$_\b/;} @{$$event{'tags'};})
400 0 0 @{$res->{'log'};} ? :
0 0 if $res->{'fill'}
404 0 0 if @{$res->{'log'};} and not $res->{'log'}[-1]{'project'} and $res->{'log'}[-1]{'start'}->mday == $event->{'start'}->mday
407 0 0 if $res->{'max_project_chr'} < length $event->{'project'}
412 0 0 if -d $res->{'path'}
414 0 0 if (my $method = $self->can(sprintf('_group_by_%s', $self->group_by || 'nothing')))
423 0 0 unless $self->config('hours_per_month') and $res->{'interval'} eq 'month'
430 0 0 if ($start->day_of_week != 0 and $start->day_of_week != 6)
431 0 0 if $start < $NOW
437 0 0 $NOW->hour > 12 ? :
441 0 0 $remaining_days > 0 ? :
0 0 $remaining_days <= 0 ? :
452 0 0 if $self->{'root'}
465 0 0 if $self->month and not $self->year
467 0 0 if $self->year
468 0 0 if $self->month
479 0 0 unless (-t STDIN and $self->year || $self->month)
481 0 0 unless $code =~ /^\s*sub\b/s
482 0 0 unless $code = eval "use 5.10.1;use strict;use warnings;$code"
491 0 0 unless $_ =~ /^$re$/
501 0 0 unless $code
504 0 0 if $code and $self->$code($event)
505 0 0 unless $found->{'file'} eq $event->{'path'}
518 0 0 unless $event->{'tags'}
521 0 0 if (my $duration = $event->{'stop'} && $event->{'start'} && $event->{'stop'} - $event->{'start'})
524 0 0 if ($event->{'stop'} and $event->{'seconds'} < $self->config('min_time'))
532 0 0 if $event->{'start'}
533 0 0 if $event->{'stop'}
537 0 0 unless -d dirname($event->{'path'})
544 0 0 if @_
545 0 0 unless $self->tag
551 0 0 unless open my $file, '<', $path
561 0 0 unless open my $file, '>', $path
562 0 0 unless defined $file->syswrite($content)
570 0 0 if not $event->{'start'} or $event->{'stop'}
575 0 0 if ($duration->seconds < $self->config('min_time'))
579 0 0 unless unlink $event->{'path'}
583 0 0 if ($self->_save($event))
594 7 0 @_ == 1 ? :
596 7 0 if ($t{'str'})
598 2 5 if not $hms and $ymd =~ /:/
599 2 5 if $ymd =~ s/(\d{4})//
600 3 4 if $ymd =~ s/0?(\d{1,2})-(\d+)/$2/
601 5 2 if $ymd =~ s/0?(\d{1,2})//
602 7 0 if $hms =~ s/0?(\d{1,2})//
603 4 3 if $hms =~ s/0?(\d{1,2})//
604 3 4 if $hms =~ s/0?(\d{1,2})//
608 0 7 unless ref $ref
612 4 0 defined $t{'H'} || defined $t{'M'} ? :
613 3 0 defined $t{'H'} ? :
616 0 7 if $t{'m'} <= 0
617 0 7 if $t{'m'} > 12
622 1 6 unless (eval { do { $t{'iso'} = sprintf('%s-%02s-%02sT%02s:%02s:%02s', @t{'Y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S'}); $t{'tp'} = 'Time::Piece'->strptime("$t{'iso'}+0000", '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') } })
625 1 0 if $t{'str'}