Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 161 166 96.9

line true false branch
77 119 1202 if ($self->starport eq 'A') { }
243 959 elsif ($self->starport eq 'B') { }
422 537 elsif ($self->starport eq 'C') { }
325 212 elsif ($self->starport eq 'D') { }
173 39 elsif ($self->starport eq 'E') { }
108 63 1258 if $atmosphere < 0
116 248 1073 if $atmosphere == 2 or $atmosphere == 3
119 151 1032 if $atmosphere == 3 or $atmosphere == 4 or $atmosphere == 14
123 174 1147 if $atmosphere == 8 or $atmosphere == 9
126 11 1253 if $atmosphere == 10 or $atmosphere == 13 or $atmosphere == 15
130 63 1258 if $atmosphere == 11 or $atmosphere == 12
139 63 1012 if $self->atmosphere == 0 or $self->atmosphere == 1 or $self->atmosphere == 10 or $self->atmosphere == 11 or $self->atmosphere == 12
145 155 1155 if $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 10 and $self->temperature <= 11
149 94 1227 if $self->atmosphere != 13 and $self->temperature >= 12
152 259 1062 if $self->size <= 1 or $hydro < 0
155 37 1284 if $hydro > 10
162 91 1230 if $government < 0 or $self->population == 0
171 138 1183 if $law < 0 or $self->population == 0
180 119 1202 if $self->starport eq 'A'
181 243 1078 if $self->starport eq 'B'
182 422 899 if $self->starport eq 'C'
183 39 1282 if $self->starport eq 'X'
184 109 1212 if $self->size <= 1
185 443 878 if $self->size >= 2 and $self->size <= 4
186 569 752 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 or $self->atmosphere >= 10
187 380 941 if $self->hydro == 0 or $self->hydro == 9
188 75 1246 if $self->hydro == 10
189 750 571 if $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 5
190 74 1247 if $self->population == 9
191 34 1287 if $self->population == 10
192 0 1321 if $self->population == 11
193 0 1321 if $self->population == 12
194 268 1053 if $self->government == 0 or $self->government == 5
195 111 1210 if $self->government == 7
196 15 1306 if $self->government == 13 or $self->government == 14
197 29 1292 if $self->population == 0
198 7 1314 if $tech > 15
205 48 1273 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->tech < 8
206 35 1286 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->tech < 5
207 31 1290 if $self->atmosphere == 4 || $self->atmosphere == 7 || $self->atmosphere == 9 and $self->tech < 3
210 29 1292 if $self->atmosphere == 10 and $self->tech < 8
211 22 1299 if $self->atmosphere == 11 and $self->tech < 9
212 16 1305 if $self->atmosphere == 12 and $self->tech < 10
213 0 11 if $self->atmosphere == 13 and $self->atmosphere == 14 and $self->tech < 5
215 0 1321 if $self->atmosphere == 15 and $self->tech < 8
216 174 1147 if ($doomed)
227 162 264 if $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8 and $self->population >= 5 and $self->population <= 7
230 27 12 if $self->size == 0 and $self->atmosphere == 0 and $self->hydro == 0
231 185 0 if $self->population == 0 and $self->government == 0 and $self->law == 0
232 170 1151 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->hydro == 0
233 68 1253 if $self->atmosphere >= 10 and $self->hydro >= 1
234 328 212 if $self->size >= 5 and $self->atmosphere >= 4 and $self->atmosphere <= 9 and $self->hydro >= 4 and $self->hydro <= 8
237 99 1222 if $self->population >= 9
238 154 1167 if $self->tech >= 12
239 30 1291 if $self->atmosphere <= 1 and $self->hydro >= 1
240 51 1270 if $self->population >= 9 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9)
241 315 1006 if $self->population >= 1 and $self->population <= 3
242 238 1083 if $self->tech >= 1 and $self->tech <= 5
243 98 339 if $self->atmosphere <= 3 and $self->hydro <= 3 and $self->population >= 6
244 514 807 if $self->population >= 4 and $self->population <= 6
245 225 907 if $self->atmosphere >= 2 and $self->atmosphere <= 5 and $self->hydro <= 3
246 69 400 if $self->population >= 6 and $self->population <= 8 and &any(sub { $_ == $self->atmosphere; } , 6, 8)
247 75 1246 if $self->hydro >= 10
248 116 1205 if $self->atmosphere == 0
255 132 1189 if $self->atmosphere >= 10
256 101 1220 if $self->population and $self->government == 0
257 107 1214 if $self->government == 7
258 45 1276 if $self->government == 10
259 150 1171 if $self->population and $self->law == 0
260 236 1085 if $self->law >= 9
261 39 1282 if $danger and $self->pirate
262 580 702 if $danger
288 7384 542 if $num < 10
305 154 1167 if $self->naval
306 505 816 if $self->scout
307 164 1157 if $self->research
308 360 961 if $self->TAS
309 255 1066 if $self->consulate
310 87 1234 if $self->pirate
311 1099 222 if $self->gasgiant
314 619 702 if $self->travelzone
315 968 353 if ($self->culture)
317 463 505 if $self->travelzone