Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 24 83.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
105 73 4 29 $type eq "Para" and $_curpara
77 17 12 $type eq "Para" and $_curpara and $_curpara->type eq "item"
21 0 12 $type eq "Para" and $_curpara and $_curpara->type eq "item" and $_curpara->listtype eq "text"
17 3 9 $type eq "Para" and $_curpara and $_curpara->type eq "item" and $_curpara->listtype eq "text" and not length $_curpara->text
129 0 3 3 defined $target and not $target =~ m[^\w+://]u
198 62 20 18 $_curpara->type eq "item" and $_curpara->listtype eq "text"
82 9 9 $_curpara->type eq "item" and $_curpara->listtype eq "text" and not length $_curpara->term
213 0 9 0 length $_ and $_ = $_->substr($trimlen, length $_)