Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 62 0.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 defined $_ ? :
50 0 0 if ($optional_prereqs)
91 0 0 if ($upstream and $upstream eq 'cpan')
100 0 0 unless $allowed
103 0 0 if (exists $allowed->{$module})
104 0 0 if (parse_version($allowed->{$module}) >= parse_version($prereqs->{$module}))
114 0 0 unless defined $v
120 0 0 if (File::Basename::basename($src) eq 'cpanfile') { }
0 0 elsif ($src =~ /\.(yml|json)$/) { }
133 0 0 unless -f $fname
134 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $fname
151 0 0 if $_ eq '.'
152 0 0 if -S $_
157 0 0 if $basename eq 'Build'
158 0 0 if defined $ignore_regexp and $_ =~ /$ignore_regexp/
161 0 0 if -f "$topdir/META.json"
164 0 0 if $topdir eq $ignored
167 0 0 if ($basename eq 'Build.PL' or $basename eq 'Makefile.PL') { }
0 0 elsif ($topdir eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($topdir eq 'xt' or $topdir eq 'author' or $topdir eq 'benchmark') { }
170 0 0 if (/\.(pl|pm|psgi|t)$/)
171 0 0 if ($basename =~ /^(?:author|release)-/) { }
179 0 0 if (/\.(pl|pm|psgi|t)$/)
183 0 0 if (/\.(pl|pm|psgi)$/) { }
187 0 0 if ($header and $header =~ /^#!.*perl/)
189 0 0 if ($header =~ /This chunk of stuff was generated by App::FatPacker./)
215 0 0 if $_ eq '.'
216 0 0 if -S $_
219 0 0 if ($topdir eq 'xt' || $topdir eq 't' and /\.(?:t|pm)$/)
231 0 0 if (not exists $develop_prereqs->{$module} or parse_version($version) > parse_version($develop_prereqs->{$module}))