Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 38 5.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
157 0 0 0 $l and $f->{'substitute'}
308 0 0 0 $f->{'range'} and length $h->{'c'}
376 0 0 0 $h->{'type'} eq 'reply' and $h->{'status-code'} =~ /^(1\d{2}|204|304)$/
0 0 0 exists $h->{'hv'}{'transfer-encoding'} and not $h->{'hv'}{'transfer-encoding'} =~ /^identity$/i
427 0 0 0 $h->{'rl'} ne 'eof' and $h->{'rl'} <= length($b) - $i
456 0 0 0 exists $h->{'hv'}{'transfer-encoding'} and not $h->{'hv'}{'transfer-encoding'} =~ /^identity$/i

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
98 0 3 $INC{$r} or *$f{'CODE'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
57 0 8 0 $to ||= $from
78 0 0 0 $u->{'from'} || $to
79 0 0 0 $u->{'module'} or @pkg
153 0 0 0 $l or $a eq '|'
154 0 0 0 not $l or $f->{'capture-stdout'}
304 0 0 0 $@ or not $b