Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 57 182 31.3

line true false branch
46 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
0 33 @_ ? :
62 20 56 if -d $fs->catdir($cand, '.plx')
63 0 56 if (-d $fs->catdir($cand, '.git'))
74 0 6 unless ($perl_bin)
76 0 0 unless $perl_spec
79 0 0 unless $perl_bin
81 0 6 unless -x $perl_bin
109 0 10 unless -d $self->layout_dir('.plx')
112 0 10 unless $format
113 0 10 unless $format eq '1'
121 33 35 ref $path ? :
122 0 68 unless open my $wfh, '>', $file
128 0 0 ref $path ? :
129 0 0 if -e $file
134 12 16 ref $path ? :
135 0 28 unless -f $file
136 0 28 unless open my $rfh, '<', $file
143 0 7 ref $path ? :
144 3 4 unless -d $dir
145 0 4 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
151 0 3 unless open my $slurp_fh, '-|', @cmd
182 0 3 unless (grep(($_ eq $perl_dirname), split(/:/, $orig_env{'PATH'}, 0)))
187 9 0 unless $path and -d $path
201 3 0 unless -d (my $dir = $self->layout_dir($dirname))
202 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
204 0 0 if $entry =~ /^\.+$/
206 0 0 unless -f $file
207 0 0 unless ($seen{$entry}++)
216 0 0 if $entry =~ /^\.+$/
218 0 0 unless -x $file
219 0 0 unless $seen{$entry}++
222 0 1 if ($filter)
223 0 0 $filter =~ m[^/(.+)/$] ? :
232 0 0 if $home
240 0 11 if (-d $dir)
241 0 0 if ($perl)
250 0 11 unless mkdir $dir
257 0 0 @args && !ref($args[0]) && $args[0] ne '[' ? :
262 0 0 unless $ENV{'HOME'}
265 0 0 @args ? :
274 0 0 @args && !ref($args[0]) && $args[0] ne '[' ? :
291 0 0 if $type eq 'll'
293 0 0 unless $last_ll
303 0 0 unless $ENV{'SHELL'} =~ /bash/
305 0 0 unless -f (my $bashrc = $fs->catfile($ENV{'HOME'}, '.bashrc'))
314 0 0 unless $plx_bin
316 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $bashrc
317 0 0 if (my($line) = grep(/plx --env/, readline $fh))
324 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>', $bashrc
332 0 11 unless mkdir $libspec_dir
343 0 2 unless $cmd
345 0 2 if ($fs->file_name_is_absolute($cmd))
349 1 1 if ($cmd eq 'perl')
353 0 1 if ($cmd =~ m[/])
357 0 1 if ($cmd =~ /^-/)
360 0 0 if $optarg =~ /^-/
362 0 0 if (-f (my $file = $self->layout_file($dirname, $optarg)))
373 0 3 if (-f (my $file = $self->layout_file($dirname, $cmd)))
396 2 1 unless @call
404 0 0 unless exec @exec
409 0 0 unless my $cpanm = File::Which::which('cpanm')
418 0 0 unless (@args and $args[0] =~ /^-[lL]/)
428 0 2 unless ($config)
433 0 0 if ($self->list_config_names('env'))
439 0 2 unless my $show = $self->can("show_config_$config")
441 1 1 unless @args
442 0 1 if (my $code = $self->can("run_config_$config"))
446 0 1 unless my $code = $self->can("run_config_${config}_$subcmd")
457 0 0 unless my $perlbrew = File::Which::which('perlbrew')
460 0 0 unless grep(($_ eq $perl), map(/(\S+)/, @list))
471 0 12 unless $new_perl
473 11 1 unless ($new_perl =~ m[/])
474 0 11 if $new_perl =~ /^5/
478 11 0 if (my $resolved = File::Which::which($new_perl)) { }
485 0 12 unless -x $new_perl
498 0 33 unless $name and $value
499 0 33 unless (-d (my $dir = $self->layout_config_dir($type)))
500 0 0 unless mkdir $dir
507 0 0 unless $name
544 0 0 if (not defined $eval or ($oval // '') ne $eval)
566 1 0 unless ($base)
570 0 0 unless @chain
578 0 0 unless $args[0] eq '['
582 0 0 if $el eq ']'
592 0 0 if @args and ref $args[0]
600 0 0 ref $_ ? :
615 0 33 if ($cmd eq '[')
618 33 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^--//)
619 33 0 if ($cmd)
621 32 1 if (my $code = $self->can($method))