Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 99 228 43.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
485 0 0 2 $status and not defined $verbose
609 580 44 4 $1 && $1 eq 'cperl'
619 0 0 0 $1 && $1 eq 'cperl'
620 0 0 0 $2 && $2 eq 'blead'
813 0 0 1 $json and $result = decode_json($json)->{'hits'}{'hits'}[0]
890 0 0 0 $json and $result = decode_json($json)->{'hits'}{'hits'}[0]
957 0 4 1 $dist_version and not $dist_type
984 5 0 0 @args and $args[0] eq "-"
1016 0 0 28 -w $path and open $fh, ">", $path
1176 1 0 2 not $dist_version and $dist =~ /blead\.tar.gz$/
1238 0 0 1 defined $extracted_dir and -d $extracted_dir
1280 0 0 1 $dist_type and $dist_version =~ /^\d\./
1322 0 44 2 not $self->{'force'} and $self->is_installed($installation_name)
1326 1 40 3 $dist_type eq "perl" and $dist_version eq "blead"
1424 0 0 0 $self->{'as'} and @dists > 1
1461 0 1 0 $dist and $dist eq "stable"
1470 1 0 0 -f $dist_tarball_path and not $self->{'force'}
1544 0 0 9 $dist_version and $installation_name
1596 0 4 0 defined $version and $version < $self->comparable_perl_version("5.6.0")
1621 4 0 0 -x $patchperl and -f _
1635 0 4 0 defined $version && $version < $self->comparable_perl_version('5.8.9')
1655 0 4 0 $test_target eq "test_harness" and ($self->{'j'} || 1) > 1
1720 8 0 0 -f $out and not $self->{'force'}
8 0 0 -f $out and not $self->{'force'} and not $self->{'yes'}
1748 2 0 1 $body_filter and ref $body_filter eq "CODE"
1813 0 0 32 defined $orig_version and length $orig_version
1820 424 2 38 $self->current_perl eq $name && !$self->current_lib
2099 0 0 0 $alias and $alias =~ /^perl-/
2104 0 0 0 $self->env("PERLBREW_SHELLRC_VERSION") and $self->current_shell_is_bashish
2144 1 2 25 defined $v and $v ne ""
2420 1 0 0 $alias and -e $path_alias
1 0 0 $alias and -e $path_alias and not -l $path_alias
2427 0 0 0 $self->is_installed($alias) and not $self->{'force'}
2450 0 0 0 -l $path_alias and not $self->{'force'}
2726 0 0 4 $src_perl && $dst_perl

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
274 34 652 $self->{'current_perl'} || $self->env('PERLBREW_PERL') || ''
280 10 492 $self->{'current_lib'} || $self->env('PERLBREW_LIB') || ''
341 0 5 $self->env('PERLBREW_CPAN_MIRROR') || ''
513 0 0 $verbose || 0
845 5 0 $rd ||= {}
864 0 0 $rd ||= {}
909 2 0 $rd ||= {}
936 0 0 $rd ||= {}
941 0 0 eval { do { http_get('' . $dist) } } || ''
1043 1 0 $self->_firstrcfile('.zshenv', '.bash_profile', '.bash_login', '.profile') || '.zshenv'
1058 3 0 $self->_firstrcfile('.bash_profile', '.bash_login', '.profile') || '.bash_profile'
1318 45 1 $dist_type ||= "perl"
1628 0 4 $self->env('PERLBREW_CONFIGURE_FLAGS') || '-de'
1655 0 4 $self->{'j'} || 1
1734 0 3 $self->env('TMPDIR') || '/tmp'
1787 467 1 substr($version, 5) || 0
1918 0 31 $self->env('PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT') || ''
2229 0 0 $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/tmp'
2361 0 28 $ENV{'MANPATH'} || ''
2362 28 0 $env{'PERL5LIB'} || ''
2785 16 0 $self->env($_) || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
233 2 12 0 $PERLBREW_ROOT || $ENV{'PERLBREW_ROOT'} || 'App::Perlbrew::Path'->new($ENV{'HOME'}, 'perl5', 'perlbrew')->stringify
0 213 0 $new_root ||= $PERLBREW_ROOT || $ENV{'PERLBREW_ROOT'} || 'App::Perlbrew::Path'->new($ENV{'HOME'}, 'perl5', 'perlbrew')->stringify
254 2 13 0 $PERLBREW_HOME || $ENV{'PERLBREW_HOME'} || 'App::Perlbrew::Path'->new($ENV{'HOME'}, '.perlbrew')->stringify
0 216 0 $new_home ||= $PERLBREW_HOME || $ENV{'PERLBREW_HOME'} || 'App::Perlbrew::Path'->new($ENV{'HOME'}, '.perlbrew')->stringify
268 1 3 0 $self->{'builddir'} || $self->root->build
285 1 1 2 $self->current_shell eq 'bash' || $self->current_shell eq 'zsh'
291 20 2 0 $self->{'current_shell'} ||= do { my $shell_name = "App::Perlbrew::Path"->new($self->{'shell'} || $self->env('SHELL'))->basename; $shell_name =~ s/\d+$//; $shell_name }
292 0 2 0 $self->{'shell'} || $self->env('SHELL')
372 0 0 142 $self->{'force'} or $self->{'yes'}
391 0 400 2 ref $glob eq "CODE" or defined *$glob{"CODE"}
819 1 0 0 $dist_path or $dist_tarball
896 0 0 0 $dist_path or $dist_tarball
1263 2 1 6 not defined $latest_minor or $latest_minor < $minor
1321 4 42 0 $self->{'as'} || $dist
1618 0 0 4 $self->{'no-patchperl'} or $looks_like_we_are_installing_cperl
1642 0 4 0 $ENV{'MAKE'} || ($^O eq 'solaris' ? 'gmake' : 'make')
1649 0 0 0 $dist_version =~ /^5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ && ($1 >= 8 || $1 == 7 && $2 == 3) || $dist_version eq 'blead'
1839 0 0 0 $App::perlbrew::a->{'comparable_version'} <=> $App::perlbrew::b->{'comparable_version'} || $App::perlbrew::b->{'name'} cmp $App::perlbrew::a->{'name'}
402 0 0 $App::perlbrew::b->{'comparable_version'} <=> $App::perlbrew::a->{'comparable_version'} || $App::perlbrew::a->{'name'} cmp $App::perlbrew::b->{'name'}
1904 29 2 0 not $lib_name or grep {$_->{'lib_name'} eq $lib_name;} $self->local_libs($perl_name)
2364 9 0 19 $no_header or $self->{'quiet'}
2385 1 6 18 $self->{'quiet'} or $no_header
2630 0 1 0 $env ||= $self->current_env
2672 71 7 0 $perl_name ||= $self->current_perl
2719 4 0 0 pop() || $self->current_env
2720 2 2 0 pop() || $self->current_env
2726 0 0 4 not $src_perl && $dst_perl or $src_perl eq $dst_perl