Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 36 58.3

line true false branch
23 4 1 unless my $err = $tx->error
52 36 18936 if /^=head3 $cmd\s*$/
53 282 0 unless /^=head/ and last
55 24 12 if ($for_description)
56 24 0 $pod =~ /\n(\S+.*?\.)(?:\s|$)/s ? :
72 4 0 defined $provides->{$_} ? :
80 36 259 if $header =~ /^$/
92 0 17 unless $merge_these
99 2 1004820 @to_merge && $to_merge[0][0] eq $base->[$idx][0] ? :
117 498040 506786 if (length $_[0] > $one)
198 0 2 unless $path->copy_to(my $pan_path = $pan_dir->child($path->basename))
210 1 2 if $path_arg =~ /^(([A-Z])[A-Z])[A-Z]/
228 4 2 unless $indexed{$file}
244 0 0 unless (defined $pan and $pan =~ /^--(combined|nopin|autopin)$/)
255 0 0 unless defined $pid
256 0 0 unless ($pid)
257 0 0 if $pan eq 'autopin'
264 0 0 if $err