Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 36 75.0

line true false branch
20 36 0 unless ($module =~ /\.pm$/)
26 23 244 if -e $path
37 0 24 if exists $opts{'h'}
38 0 24 unless @ARGV
44 21 6 if (-f $arg) { }
6 0 elsif (-d $arg) { }
47 12 6 if -f $_
55 8 16 exists $opts{'r'} ? :
57 4 68 if version::is_lax($candidate)
59 36 32 if not exists $opts{'u'} or exists $opts{'R'}
60 5 63 if exists $opts{'x'} and $candidate =~ /$opts{'x'}/
61 14 49 if not exists $opts{'X'} and $candidate =~ /\$/
62 0 49 if exists $checked{$candidate}
64 4 45 if (defined $path and exists $opts{'R'})
67 2 2 exists $opts{'r'} ? :
69 19 30 if not exists $opts{'u'} and defined $path
77 0 0 if @_ and eval { do { $_[0]->isa('App::installdeps') } }
80 0 0 if ($$opts{'n'}) { }