Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
22 1 11 if /^\[/
23 1 10 if /^!/
25 1 9 if /^\@\@/
26 1 8 if /#\@#/
28 1 7 if /##/
30 3 4 if /\$.*domain=/
33 2 2 if (/^\|\|($domchars)\^(\$|$)/)
39 1 1 if /\$/
42 0 1 if m[^\|http://]
45 1 0 if (/^\|\|/)
51 1 0 if (m[^$domchars/] and not /\^/ and not /\*/ and not /\|/)