Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 44 54.5

line true false branch
47 1 5 unless ($found{$file}{$last_dir})
55 1 5 if (not $found{$file}{$dir}) { }
1 4 elsif (not -e $found{$file}{$last_dir}{'name'}) { }
1 3 elsif (my $diff = eval { do { $self->dodiff('' . path($last_dir, $file), '' . path($dir, $file)) } }) { }
70 0 6 if $@
74 3 3 unless ($diff_count)
91 20 0 if ($dir ne '.')
111 6 28 if $file->basename =~ /^[.].*[.]sw[n-z]$|^[.](?:svn|bzr|git)$|CVS|RCS$|cover_db|_build|Build$|blib/
112 1 27 if $self->{'exclude'} and grep {$file =~ /$_/;} @{$$self{'exclude'};}
116 6 21 if (-d $file)
128 1 3 unless ($which_diff)
129 0 1 $self->ignore_space_change || $self->ignore_all_space ? :
134 0 4 if ($which_diff eq 'mydiff') { }
139 1 3 if $diff
148 0 0 if not $self->follow and -l $file1 || -l $file2
154 0 0 if ($self->ignore_space_change)
157 0 0 if ($self->ignore_all_space)
161 0 0 $self->fast ? :
0 0 -s $file1 != -s $file2 ? :
166 0 0 if ($diff)
167 0 0 if $self->verbose
177 0 0 if ($text =~ /[\s$|><;#]/msx)