Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 38 65.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
43 12 4 1 $account_balances and $min_account_balances
50 1 0 2 defined $min_account_balances->{$eacc} and defined $min_account_balances->{$eacc}{$cur}
62 48 2 2 defined $max_order_pairs and @order_pairs >= $max_order_pairs
245 2 1 1 defined $pair_rec->{'min_base_size'} and $order_pair->{'base_size'} < $pair_rec->{'min_base_size'}
251 1 1 1 defined $pair_rec->{'min_quote_size'} and $quote_size < $pair_rec->{'min_quote_size'}
270 3 1 1 defined $pair_rec->{'min_base_size'} and $order_pair->{'base_size'} < $pair_rec->{'min_base_size'}
276 1 1 2 defined $pair_rec->{'min_quote_size'} and $quote_size < $pair_rec->{'min_quote_size'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
27 17 0 $args{'min_net_profit_margin'} // 0
30 1 16 $args{'max_order_size_as_book_item_size_pct'} // 100
74 15 0 $$account_balances{$sell->{'exchange'}}{$base_currency} // []
96 9 0 $$account_balances{$buy->{'exchange'}}{$buy->{'quote_currency'}} // []
448 0 0 $fiat_for{$exchange} //= []
454 0 0 $exchanges_for{$key} //= []
457 0 0 $pairs_for{$exchange} //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
557 0 0 0 not App::cryp::arbit::_is_fiat($quotecur) or $quotecur eq 'USD'