Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 41 80 51.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
215 17 0 0 not $self->force and $mtime
17 0 0 not $self->force and $mtime and $age_in_minutes > $max_age
250 0 0 0 -e $logfile and not -d _
315 1199 5886 67 $dist and /^Building .*(?:$dist|$dist_vstring)/
323 20 51 0 $recording and $recording eq "test"
350 2658 3106 4 $recording eq "test" and /^-> (FAIL|OK)/
3106 2656 2 $recording eq "configure" and m[^-> N/A]
3106 2656 0 $recording eq "configure" and /Configure failed for (?:$dist|$dist_vstring)/ || m[proper Makefile.PL/Build.PL] || /configure the distribution/
354 67 1 0 $result eq "FAIL" and $recording eq "configure"
381 69 0 0 defined $self->exclude and exists $self->exclude->{$dist_without_version}
69 0 0 defined $self->only and not exists $self->only->{$dist_without_version}
68 0 1 not $self->ignore_versions and defined $self->{'_perl_version'}
68 0 1 not $self->ignore_versions and defined $self->{'_perl_version'} and $self->{'_perl_version'} ne $]
407 16 1 0 not $found and $self->verbose
431 0 0 1 @path >= 3 and $path[-1] =~ /\A[A-Z\-]+\z/
0 0 1 @path >= 3 and $path[-1] =~ /\A[A-Z\-]+\z/ and substr($path[-1], 0, 2) eq $path[-2]
0 0 1 @path >= 3 and $path[-1] =~ /\A[A-Z\-]+\z/ and substr($path[-1], 0, 2) eq $path[-2] and substr($path[-1], 0, 1) eq $path[-3]
516 2 0 0 $meta && ref $meta
518 2 0 0 not $self->skip_history and $client->is_duplicate

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
53 0 20 $params{'max_age'} || 30
327 0 0 $fetched || '(local)'
329 0 0 $fetched || '(local)'
507 1 1 $self->{'_cpanminus_version'} || 'unknown cpanm version'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
45 0 20 0 $params{'build_dir'} || 'File::Spec'->catdir(&File::HomeDir::Tiny::home(), '.cpanm')
50 18 2 0 $params{'build_logfile'} || 'File::Spec'->catfile($self->build_dir, 'build.log')
350 64 4 5764 /^Result: (PASS|NA|FAIL|UNKNOWN|NOTESTS)/ or $recording eq "test" and /^-> (FAIL|OK)/
2 0 2654 /Configure failed for (?:$dist|$dist_vstring)/ || m[proper Makefile.PL/Build.PL] || /configure the distribution/
565 0 0 0 not $meta->{'meta-spec'} or $meta->{'meta-spec'}{'version'} < 2