Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 107 188 56.9

line true false branch
32 0 20 if ($params{'cpanm'})
58 39 141 if exists $params{$option}
70 59 17 if $author
76 59 15 if $distfile
82 20 7 if $config
88 1 251 if $verbose
94 0 17 if $all
100 20 17 if $max_age
106 19 20 if $force
112 17 69 if $ignore_versions
118 3 8 if ($quiet)
127 0 2 if $dry_run
133 2 4 if $skip
139 1 72 if ($only)
151 1 72 if ($exclude)
163 20 5 if $dir
169 20 18 if $file
175 0 0 if $cpanm
184 0 0 if (-e $filename) { }
185 0 0 unless ($config->read)
193 0 0 if ($answer =~ /^y/i) { }
215 0 0 if (not $self->force and $mtime and $age_in_minutes > $max_age)
216 0 0 if ($self->all) { }
242 0 17 if ($self->all) { }
244 0 0 if (-e $workdir) { }
245 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $workdir
246 0 0 if $_ ne "."
250 0 0 if (-e $logfile and not -d _)
271 0 17 unless $self->_check_cpantesters_config_data
281 0 17 unless $self->_check_build_log($logfile)
283 0 17 unless open my $fh, "<", $logfile
287 17 0 if ($header =~ /^cpanm \(App::cpanminus\) (\d+\.\d+) on perl (\d+\.\d+)/) { }
307 71 17 if $dist
315 70 7295 if (/^Fetching (\S+)/) { }
71 7224 elsif (/^Entering (\S+)/) { }
72 7152 elsif (/^Running (?:Build|Makefile)\.PL/) { }
67 8284 elsif ($dist and /^Building .*(?:$dist|$dist_vstring)/) { }
316 0 70 if /CHECKSUMS$/
318 16 54 unless $resource
323 0 71 if ($recording and $recording eq 'test') { }
327 0 71 if $self->verbose
329 0 71 if $self->verbose
337 0 67 if $self->verbose
338 66 1 if /and testing/
346 5832 1462 if $recording
349 5832 1462 if ($recording)
350 68 5764 if (/^Result: (PASS|NA|FAIL|UNKNOWN|NOTESTS)/ or $recording eq 'test' and /^-> (FAIL|OK)/) { }
2 5762 elsif ($recording eq 'configure' and m[^-> N/A]) { }
2 5760 elsif ($recording eq 'configure' and /Configure failed for (?:$dist|$dist_vstring)/ || m[proper Makefile.PL/Build.PL] || /configure the distribution/) { }
354 0 68 if ($result eq 'FAIL' and $recording eq 'configure') { }
4 64 elsif ($result eq 'OK') { }
0 64 elsif ($result eq 'NOTESTS') { }
358 3 1 $has_tests ? :
374 2 0 $found_na ? :
377 70 7224 if ($result)
381 1 69 if (@test_output <= 2) { }
0 69 elsif (not $resource) { }
0 69 elsif (defined $self->exclude and exists $self->exclude->{$dist_without_version}) { }
0 69 elsif (defined $self->only and not exists $self->only->{$dist_without_version}) { }
1 68 elsif (not $self->ignore_versions and defined $self->{'_perl_version'} and $self->{'_perl_version'} ne $]) { }
389 0 0 if $self->verbose
392 0 0 if $self->verbose
395 0 1 if $self->verbose
405 0 17 if $self->verbose
407 0 17 if not $found and $self->verbose
408 0 17 if $self->verbose
416 1 59 if ($path->scheme eq 'file') { }
429 1 0 if $path[-1] eq ""
431 1 0 if (@path >= 3 and $path[-1] =~ /\A[A-Z\-]+\z/ and substr($path[-1], 0, 2) eq $path[-2] and substr($path[-1], 0, 1) eq $path[-3]) { }
439 0 0 if $self->verbose
452 0 0 if $self->verbose
454 0 59 unless $metadata
467 0 60 unless ($eligible_schemes{$scheme})
468 0 0 unless $self->quiet
475 0 60 unless (defined $author)
476 0 0 unless $self->quiet
482 1 59 if ($author eq "LOCAL")
483 0 1 unless $self->quiet
498 1 3 if (index($dist, "Local-") == 0)
499 0 1 unless $self->quiet
503 1 2 unless $self->parse_uri($resource)
516 0 2 $meta && ref $meta ? :
518 0 2 if (not $self->skip_history and $client->is_duplicate) { }
519 0 0 if $self->verbose
524 0 2 unless $self->quiet
538 0 2 if ($self->dry_run)
539 0 0 unless $self->quiet
544 0 2 unless $reporter->send
547 0 0 unless $self->quiet
548 0 0 if $self->verbose
550 0 2 unless $self->skip_history
561 0 8 if (-e $meta_path)
563 0 0 if $@
565 0 0 if (not $meta->{'meta-spec'} or $meta->{'meta-spec'}{'version'} < 2)