Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 37 98 37.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
589 2 0 0 exists $opts->{'uuid'} and $opts->{'uuid'}
785 0 0 0 $data and $kind
0 0 0 $data and $kind and $kind ne $data->{'kind'}
791 0 0 0 $@ and $@->isa('Bif::Error::AmbiguousPath')
856 51 50 0 $ref and $args->{'save'}
913 51 50 0 $args->{'restore'} and my $saved = $self->work_buffer
1017 0 200 0 ref $x eq 'HASH' and exists $x->{'_delta'}
0 50 150 ref $x eq 'HASH' and exists $x->{'_delta'} and $x->{'_delta'} =~ /^new_/
1118 3 0 5 $self->{'_bif_ok_msg'} and not ref $self->{'_bif_ok_msg'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
157 48 0 'Config::Tiny'->read($file, 'utf8') || (return $self->err('ConfigNotFound', $file . ' ' . 'Config::Tiny'->errstr))
199 0 0 'Config::Tiny'->read($file, 'utf8') || (return $self->err('ConfigNotFound', $file . ' ' . 'Config::Tiny'->errstr))
315 0 0 shift() || {}
636 0 1 shift() || 0
672 0 0 $args{'txt'} //= "\n"
794 0 0 $kind ||= 'node'
1103 48 109 shift() || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
120 0 52 0 $opts->{'no_color'} || !-t(STDOUT)
188 52 0 $ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'} //= $opts->{'no_color'} || !-t(STDOUT)
125 0 0 240 $self->debug // $opts->{'debug'}
185 3 0 1 $self->find_repo('.bif') || $self->err('RepoNotFound', 'directory not found: .bif')
387 4 0 173 $ref->{$_} //= Term::ANSIColor::color($_)
543 0 1 0 $pager or $self->no_pager
585 2 0 0 shift() // Carp::confess('uuid2id needs defined')
605 0 0 0 shift() // Carp::confess('path must be defined')
711 0 0 0 $pager or $self->opts->{'debug'}
724 0 0 0 shift() // Carp::croak('get_change needs defined')
765 3 0 0 shift() // Carp::confess('get_node needs defined')
965 0 51 0 $vals{'id'} ||= $dbw->nextval('changes')
978 50 0 1 $vals{'author'} //= $author
979 50 0 1 $vals{'author_contact'} //= $author_contact
980 50 0 1 $vals{'author_contact_method'} //= $author_contact_method
981 50 0 1 $vals{'author_shortname'} //= $author_shortname
998 50 0 0 shift() || $self->db
1005 50 0 0 $db->uchangeset_v1($id) || Carp::croak("invalid $id")
1102 157 0 0 shift() || Carp::confess('missing type')