Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 24 54.1

line true false branch
65 1 7 unless $self->config_file and -r $self->config_file
84 0 0 if $self->upload
118 0 0 if (length $usage > 70) { }
163 0 0 unless $form and $form->find_input($action)
181 0 0 if ($@) { }
205 0 7 unless my $config = 'Config::Tiny'->read($self->config_file)
208 1 6 unless $$self{'ylastic_id'} = $$config{'_'}{'ylastic_id'}
213 6 6 if $k eq '_'
214 1 5 unless ($k =~ /^(?:\d{12}|\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4})$/)
218 6 4 defined $_ ? :
220 3 2 unless (length $user and length $pass)
234 0 0 if $$self{'services'}