Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 66 0.0

line true false branch
46 0 0 if (not is_interactive()) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @{$self->config->{'file'};}) { }
53 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
69 0 0 if (not $self->config->{'match'} || $self->config->{'regexp'} or $self->config->{'match'} and $self->_match($line_ref) or $self->config->{'regexp'} and $self->_regexp($line_ref)) { }
83 0 0 if ($self->config->{'through'})
88 0 0 unless ($self->config->{'nohr'})
90 0 0 if ($self->config->{'digest'})
96 0 0 if $self->config->{'raw'}
98 0 0 if ($self->config->{'ltsv'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->config->{'tab'} or $self->config->{'space'}) { }
115 0 0 if index(${$line_ref;}, $$self{'config'}{'match'}) > -1
121 0 0 if ($self->config->{'ignore_case'}) { }
122 0 0 if ${$line_ref;} =~ /$$self{'config'}{'regexp'}/i
125 0 0 if ${$line_ref;} =~ /$$self{'config'}{'regexp'}/
132 0 0 $digest ? :
134 0 0 if ($self->config->{'color'}) { }
190 0 0 $self->config->{'space'} ? :
194 0 0 if ($self->config->{'number'}) { }
213 0 0 if ($self->config->{'color'}) { }
215 0 0 if $label
219 0 0 if $label
242 0 0 if ($self->config->{'digest'})
244 0 0 if $@
247 0 0 if ($self->config->{'color'})
272 0 0 unless $dir
273 0 0 unless -e "$dir/$CONFIG_FILE"
283 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
286 0 0 if /\A\s*\Z/ms
287 0 0 if (/\A(\w+):\s*(.+)\Z/ms)
289 0 0 if ($key eq 'file') { }
335 0 0 unless GetOptionsFromArray $argv, 'f|file=s@', \$$config{'file'}, 'p|parser=s', \$$config{'parser'}, 'tab', \$$config{'tab'}, 'space', \$$config{'space'}, 'n|number!', \$$config{'number'}, 'm|match=s', \$$config{'match'}, 're|regexp=s', \$$config{'regexp'}, 'i|ignore-case!', \$$config{'ignore_case'}, 'r|raw', \$$config{'raw'}, 't|through', \$$config{'through'}, 'digest!', \$$config{'digest'}, 'ltsv', \$$config{'ltsv'}, 'c|color!', \$$config{'color'}, 'color-label=s', \$$config{'color_label'}, 'color-colon=s', \$$config{'color_colon'}, 'color-value=s', \$$config{'color_value'}, 'color-hr=s', \$$config{'color_hr'}, 'color-count=s', \$$config{'color_count'}, 'color-digest=s', \$$config{'color_digest'}, 'hr=s', \$$config{'hr'}, 'hr-count=i', \$$config{'hr-count'}, 'nohr', \$$config{'nohr'}, 'h|help', sub { pod2usage(1); } , 'v|version', sub { print "yg v$VERSION\n"; exit 1; }
349 0 0 if ($@)
361 0 0 if $max < $len