Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 84 0.0

line true false branch
62 0 0 defined $ENV{'SHELL'} ? :
92 0 0 unless defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0 and -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5"
101 0 0 defined $ENV{'PATH'} ? :
104 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
116 0 0 defined $ENV{'PS1'} ? :
134 0 0 unless defined $nondestructive
136 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_ENV'} or not $nondestructive
139 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PATH'} or not $nondestructive
142 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PERL5LIB'} or not $nondestructive
145 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT'} or not $nondestructive
148 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PERL_MB_OPT'} or not $nondestructive
151 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PERL_MM_OPT'} or not $nondestructive
154 0 0 if defined $ENV{'_OLD_PERL_VIRTUAL_PS1'} or not $nondestructive
174 0 0 unless defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0
188 0 0 unless $empty
225 0 0 unless defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0 and -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5"
226 0 0 if not defined $virtualenvPath && length $virtualenvPath > 0 && -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5" || $FindBin::Bin =~ qr"^(/usr/|/bin/)" and -d "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/perl5"
227 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
229 0 0 if defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0 and -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5"
232 0 0 unless defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0 and -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5"
252 0 0 if ($inform)
254 0 0 if (defined $virtualenvPath) { }
256 0 0 if not defined $oldVirtualenvPath or $oldVirtualenvPath ne $virtualenvPath
278 0 0 if defined $virtualenvPath and length $virtualenvPath > 0 and -d "$virtualenvPath/lib/perl5"
279 0 0 defined $perl5lib ? :
280 0 0 length $_ < 1 || substr($_, -1, 1) ne '/' ? :
307 0 0 unless not defined $params{'package'}
309 0 0 if $packageName eq 'Perl'
311 0 0 unless $version
312 0 0 if ($params{'detail'})
314 0 0 unless $params{'one'}
317 0 0 if defined $packlist_file
321 0 0 if defined $incPath
326 0 0 if (defined $relPath)
330 0 0 unless $params{'one'}
336 0 0 unless $params{'one'}
343 0 0 if ($params{'one'})
372 0 0 if $arg =~ /^\-(h|\-help)$/ or $arg =~ /^\-(c|\-create)$/ or $arg =~ /^\-(l|\-list)$/ or $arg =~ /^\-(m|\-list-modules)$/ or $arg =~ /^\-(f|\-list-files)$/
378 0 0 if (defined $newcmd)
380 0 0 if defined $cmd
384 0 0 unless defined $cmd
395 0 0 unless defined $args->{'parameters'}[0] and length $args->{'parameters'}[0] > 0